Hi guys,

I have a simple php shopping basket which stores the products in an array.

To add a new value into the array, I have the following:

$cart .= ','.$_GET['id'];

I was just wondering if there is an equivalent line of code to remove a single array value with a particular id??

I've been wrestling with the unset() function without much success.


$cart .= ','.$_GET['id'];

This does not add a new value to a array..

It appends a comma and the value of a url parameter to a string.
Since your using a string unset() is not going to work.


Aha. my bad. This makes sense, as the explode() function is used on the $cart string to get the array back.

So I must explode and loop through the array values to remove one of them.

you can use unset() after you exploded that string..

it is indeed easier to loop through the array because you probably dont know the position of the value you want to remove

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