virang_21 0 Light Poster


I am trying to send email from my website using Exchange server 2008. The setting is like my web server is on different machine then my exchange server. when I try to send email from my website using exchange it gives me an Exception

"Unable to Connect to the remote server"...A connection attempt failed because a connected party did not respond properly after a period of time or established connection failed because connected host failed to respond

Exchange is set up to allow anonymous access so relaying is enabled.

The SMTP settings I am using is as follow:

      <smtp from="">
        <network host="" password="mypassword" userName="" port="25"/>

I even telent to check if port 25 is open and that indicates that it is open. I send the email directly by using outlook express using emailid and password i am using in above configuration and that worked fine either..

so what I am missing here ? Why my website is not able to send out emails and fail with exception ?

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