Hi guys, I'm trying to create a php script that'll send information gathered from a form and send it as an html email with the info arranged in tables. Can't seem to get it to work.
Here's the message part of the script (containing the table):
<table width="500" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#CCCCCC">
<td><table width="500" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="8">
<td colspan="2" bgcolor="#CDD9F5"><strong>APPLICATION FOR $course ?></strong></td>
<td width="168" bgcolor="#FFFFEC"><strong>PROGRAM:</strong></td>
<td width="290" bgcolor="#FFFFEC"><? $course ?></td>
<td bgcolor="#FFFFDD"><strong>PERIOD:</strong></td>
<td bgcolor="#FFFFDD"><? $month ?></td>
<td bgcolor="#FFFFEC"><strong>NO OF PARTICIPANTS: </strong></td>
<td bgcolor="#FFFFEC"><? $no_of_participants ?></td>
<td bgcolor="#FFFFDD"><strong>APPLICANT NAME: </strong></td>
<td bgcolor="#FFFFDD"><? $sendername ?></td>
<td bgcolor="#FFFFEC"><strong>APPLICANT EMAIL: </strong></td>
<td bgcolor="#FFFFEC"><? $sendermail ?></td>
<td bgcolor="#FFFFDD"><strong>APPLICANT PHONE: </strong></td>
<td bgcolor="#FFFFDD"><? $senderphone ?></td>
<td bgcolor="#FFFFEC"><strong>COMPANY NAME: </strong></td>
<td bgcolor="#FFFFEC"><? $companyname ?></td>
<td bgcolor="#FFFFDD"><strong>COMPANY ADDRESS: </strong></td>
<td bgcolor="#FFFFDD"><? $companyaddress ?></td>
<td bgcolor="#FFFFEC"><strong>APPLICANT DEPT. IN CO. </strong></td>
<td bgcolor="#FFFFEC"><? $department ?></td>
<td bgcolor="#FFFFDD"><strong>APPLICANT POSITION: </strong></td>
<td bgcolor="#FFFFDD"><? $position ?></td>
<td bgcolor="#FFFFEC"><strong>COURSES APPLIED FOR: </strong></td>
<td bgcolor="#FFFFEC"><? $coursetitle ?></td>
<td bgcolor="#FFFFDD"> </td>
<td bgcolor="#FFFFDD"><? ----- ?></td>
if(mail($to,$subject,$message,"From: $sendermail\n")) {
So like, what am I doing wrong here?