
I am using the trace facility to find the viewstate size of controls on postback. I have added a label , a textbox and a submit button to the webform. However after posting my page and viewing the trace.axd page I find that the viewstate size bytes and controlstate size bytes is 0 for all the controls. Can anyone explain why ?



>Can anyone explain why ?

ViewState stores every changed property. Initializing the control in the page (any event) counts as a change, so any changes in control property during page execution will be persisted in viewstate.

But shouldn't the viewstate size bytes in trace.axd show some value atleast instead of 0 everytime i post ?



Add following in click handler of button,

commented: Excellent explanation of the Query +4

Thanks a lot for the explanation . It worked . However the control state size remains 0 . I am sure you can explain that also.

Thanks & regards


Thanks a lot for the links to control state . The articles have cleared my doubts about control state. Thanks once again



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