<option>engineer for location1</option>
<option>engineer for location2</option>
<option>engineer for location3</option>
wen i choose a location the corresponding service engineer for that location should be added to d database
in d user form ther will be no option for engineer for that location, by selecting the location, it should automatically add the service engineer for that region
insert into details(m_sno, pickmodule,
pickmodulemanuf, cardreader, cardreadermanuf,
printer, printermanuf, location, engname, date) values
(1001, "BA540", "TRANTECH", "FC148", "TMDSECURITY",
"PS345", "LEICESTER", "location1", "ELLANORE", CURDATE());
Dis code is for mysql insert operation
but in d forms ther will be no option for the name ellanore, by default selection of location the eng name should also be added in d database
Bcoz there will be 3 location with 3 engineers.