I am a web developer who is having tremendous trouble with my Dynaform form. :(
I have created a form found off my web design business website: www.focusonedesign.ca/form.htm and three things needs to happen, but during the php process I receive errors.
To see the error which I am now receiving, view: www.focusonedesign.ca/dynaform.htm - form is installed correctly, although it now appears there is a error on the last line. Line 380 of the script, which is ?>. I do not know what the correct procedure is to fix, therefore assist some exper advise!
Parse error: parse error in E:\Site Data\Domains\focusonedesign.ca\ROOT\Inetpub\wwwroot\dynaform.php on line 380
Three things need to happen on this form:
1) When the user hits the submit button, after filling out all the required fileds, they see a Thankyou page and the form submits to my email address.
2) when the user hits the submit button, after only filling out a few form fields, a error page comes up and they then need to fill out all the required fields.
I am not seeing anything at this point. Earlier I was having difficulties with
the mail ( ) command, which has now been created with a phpmail.php script.
Is there anyone out there who could review both my form and the dynaform.php script and let me know how to fix? This is a urgent request.
Thank You. If there is anyone who could chat to me directly via email, that would also be most appreciated.