I have no clue why this is happening. When I load a certain page on my site, my content loads twice. Basically, my content appears to flash once.
I can't figure out what's going on, but it seems to deal with the following code. The page calls urlCheck().
// display correct content
function chooseContent(num) {
obj = document.getElementById('portSample' + num);
obj.style.display = 'block';
// highlight the correct buttons relating to content.
function highlightButtons(num) {
obj = eval('document.port' + num);
obj.src = portThumbActive[num-1];
obj.name = ('active');
obj = eval('document.nav' + num);
obj.src = navActive[num-1];
obj.name = ('active');
function urlCheck() {
// store url in a string
url = window.location.href;
// check url for #1, #2 etc
for (var c=1; c<= portThumb.length; c++) {
hashNum = url.search('#' + c);
if (hashNum != -1) {
obj = document.getElementById('port' + c);
strName = obj.name;
// if correct content is already displayed, don't reload it.
if (strName.search('active') == -1) {
Let me know if you want more info. If a link to the page would be useful let me know.