Hi Everyone,

I am having trouble developing a user registration form for my site.

Here are the steps that I want to implement:

Page 1: form page
1. the form where the user fills out their information into a form.
2. The form then posts the data back Page1 so I can validate it using PHP.
3. If valid, redirect to Page2.

Page 2: confirmation page
1. Display address and name so the user can validate correct input, but do not redisplay the user's password entered on page1
2. The user can click a submit button to confirm the account creation and the account is created.

I am having a problem figuring out how to pass the data from page1 to page2. I do not want to manually compose get variables and use them in the redirect statement because I don't want to show the user's entered password in the url. Is there any way that I can pass the data from page1 to page2 using Post, or any other data hiding method?

Hi Everyone,

I am having trouble developing a user registration form for my site.

Here are the steps that I want to implement:

Page 1: form page
1. the form where the user fills out their information into a form.
2. The form then posts the data back Page1 so I can validate it using PHP.
3. If valid, redirect to Page2.

Page 2: confirmation page
1. Display address and name so the user can validate correct input, but do not redisplay the user's password entered on page1
2. The user can click a submit button to confirm the account creation and the account is created.

I am having a problem figuring out how to pass the data from page1 to page2. I do not want to manually compose get variables and use them in the redirect statement because I don't want to show the user's entered password in the url. Is there any way that I can pass the data from page1 to page2 using Post, or any other data hiding method?

Look into using $_SESSION to pass the form data to another page.
Check out
it should help you out.

POST method can help you.

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