Hello Friends! :)
I am working on my College Major Project.
My project contains a part, where the Admin will post News (using Editor like a Blog).
This News is then stored in Database.
Now I want to retrieve "top 2" news and post them on Home page.
I am retirieving data and displaying it all in a Label Control on Home page.
I want to provide the following Format to the News :
Title With Hyperlink
News News News....
..... News.
I am using the following Code to retrieve the data, but I am not able the get the above mentioned layout.
foreach (DataRow dr in DS.Tables[0].Rows)
for (int j = 0 ; j < 2 ; j++)
lblNews.Text = "<b> <font size=4>" + lblNews.Text + "<br /> <br />" + Convert.ToString(dr[j]) + "</font></b>";
Is there any other way to access all the Retrieved data?
Thanks :)