I am using a PHP parser to extract some contents from a RSS feed.
The parser used to work just fine, but when I changed my hosting the parser stopped working and now it shows the following error:

XML Error: not well-formed (invalid token) at line 11

The XML file its a valid RSS feed according to feedvalidator.org and I just can't find the reason why it used to work and now it doesn't. Does anybody know why it is not working in this new hosting?? or if a possible reason for this?

RSS feed:http://www.banxico.org.mx/rsscb/rss?BMXC_canal=fix&BMXC_idioma=es


It appears that it is not accepting the special characters. Perhaps because the document is ISO8859. Try converting it to UTF8.

It appears that it is not accepting the special characters. Perhaps because the document is ISO8859. Try converting it to UTF8.

Thanks for the suggestion, the problem is that I kind of new with php and the parser I have was made by someone else and I'm not sure how to do that, here is the code for the parser including the utf-8:

class RSSParser {

   var $insideitem = false;
   var $tag = "";
   var $valor = "";
	//Function to use at the start of an element
   function start($parser, $tagName, $attrs) {
	   if ($this->insideitem) {
		   $this->tag = $tagName;
	   } elseif ($tagName == "CB:EXCHANGERATE") {
		   $this->insideitem = true;

	//Function to use at the end of an element
   function stop($parser, $tagName) {
	   if ($tagName == "CB:EXCHANGERATE") {
		   $this->insideitem = false;
	//Function to use when finding character data
   function char($parser, $data) {
	   if ($this->insideitem) {
		   switch ($this->tag) {
			   case "CB:VALUE":
			   $this->valor .= $data;
	//Initialize the XML parser
$rss_parser = new RSSParser(); 
	//Setting UTF-8
xml_parser_set_option($xml_parser, XML_OPTION_TARGET_ENCODING, "UTF-8"); 

	//Specify element handler

	//Specify data handler

	//Open XML file

	//Read data
while ($data=fread($fp,4096))
  xml_parse($xml_parser,$data,feof($fp)) or
  die (sprintf("XML Error: %s at line %d",

	//Free the XML parser

I am using the xml_parser_set_option() to change to utf-8 but I am not sure if that is correct.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks

I am facing the same problem I was searching and landed here but it's unfortunate that no one has helped with the issue :(

Thanks for the help, I tried that before but it didn't work and I don't know if I am doing it correctly.
I am not downloading the whole XML, just a single line.
Considering this how do you suggest using the utf8_encode function in my code??


Something like this perhaps.

xml_parse($xml_parser,utf8_encode($data),feof($fp)) or ..

Something like this perhaps.

xml_parse($xml_parser,utf8_encode($data),feof($fp)) or ..

VERY simple solution.
I tried using utf8_encode($data) before that line and it didn't work. Putting it as you suggest does the trick! thanks!!!

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