Hi all.

I have a web application which upon page load, creates a number of buttons on the page. For each button which is created, i add a handler for the click event. Inside the click event code for the button, i identify the ID of the sender. I then store the button ID inside the session state. I then want to postback to a different web form, which i do by setting the autopostbackURL to "another_web_form.aspx".

My problem is that if I set the button properties to autopostback = true, the button click event will not occur because the code will move to "another_web_form.aspx".

I really need the ID of the button which i clicked to be accessable by the page of which i am posting back to (another_web_form.aspx).

This is the code on my first page:

btnEdit.ID = "btnEdit" & <a unique integer value>
            AddHandler btnEdit.Click, AddressOf btnEditSite_click

This is the code on the page which i want to post back to:

'This is retrieving the value held in the session state
        Dim siteToEdit As String = Session("editID").ToString()

If the button's click event is never fired, the button ID is not assigned to the session state.

Any help would be great, thanks.

Do not use PostBackUrl property. Use Server.Transfer or Response.Redirect method to transfer a user on another page.

Do not use PostBackUrl property. Use Server.Transfer or Response.Redirect method to transfer a user on another page.

Thankyou for the advice, i will look into this today.

Do not use PostBackUrl property. Use Server.Transfer or Response.Redirect method to transfer a user on another page.

Thanks this was exactly what i needed! I used the Response.Redirect method to pass variables to the receiving page.

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