First the definition of Easter Egg ( Or at least the one i care about ):

In computing, the Easter eggs are messages, graphics, sound effects, or unusual changes in behavior of programs that occur after introducing some undocumented commands, mouse clicks or keystrokes. It initially used the term Easter egg to describe the hidden messages in the object code of a program for fun, and could only find those who disassembled or browse the code.

Well, i was surfing around the web.

I usually tend to see the source code from the sites i visit.

This time i was visiting the page of my state university. So as usually i checked the source code ( [Ctrl +u] for my loved chrome ) and found this...

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> 
	function selectLanguage() {
		sSix		= '';
		sUser		= '';
		sEmail		= '';
		sLanguage	= '';
		sTheme		= '';
		try {
			frm = document.forms[0];
			if(frm.six && frm.six.options)
				sSix = frm.six.options[frm.six.selectedIndex].value;
				sUser = frm.f_user.value;
				sEmail = frm.f_email.value;
				sTheme = frm.tem.options[frm.tem.selectedIndex].value;
				sLanguage = frm.lng.options[frm.lng.selectedIndex].value;
			sLocation = 'index.php?lid='+sLanguage+'&tid='+sTheme+'&f_user='+escape(sUser)+'&six='+sSix+'&f_email='+sEmail;
		} catch(err) {
			alert('Your brownser do not support JS'); // Vola: this is stupid... if js doesn't work also alert doesn't work :)
</script> ..............

A little bit closer....

alert('Your brownser do not support JS'); // Vola: this is stupid... if js doesn't work also alert doesn't work :)

xD Anyway here's the site so you can check the site, and the source code

This doesn't qualify as an easter egg in my opinion. It is just a wrong error message, not unusual behaviour.

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