Hi, I have a javascript object which is converted from json to java script object. i want to display its values like after each key value pair, i want to insert new line. but i dont know exactly how to do that. below is my code, please take a look and tell me how i should insert a new line. i tried but its not inserting a new line is diplay.

    cache: false 
    //timeout: 1000000 
//var the_object = {}; 
//function concatObject(obj) { 
//    str = ''; 
//    for (prop in obj) { 
//        str += prop + " value :" + obj[prop] + "\n"; 
//    } 
//    return (str); 
function concatObject(obj) { 
    strArray = []; //new Array 
    for (prop in obj) { 
        strArray.push(prop + ":\t" + obj[prop]+"*******************************************************\"\n\""); 
    return strArray.join(); 
//var input = "stephen.gilroy1"; 
function testCAll() { 
    //var input = $('#Eid').val(); 
    //var input = $document.getElementById('Eid').getValue(); 
    //var input = $('input[name=Employee_NTID]').val(); 
    var keyvalue = { 
    //ntid: $('#Eid').val() 
        type: "POST", 
        url: "Testing.aspx/SendMessage", 
        data: "{}", 
        //data: "{'ntid':'stephen.gilroy1'}",       //working 
        //data: {'ntid': $('#Eid').val()}, 
        //data: {keyvalue}, 
        //data: { ntid: $('#Eid').val() }, 
        //data: ({ 'ntid': $('input[name=Employee_NTID]').val() }), 
        contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", 
        dataType: "json", 
        success: function(result) { 
            resultData = eval("(" + result.d + ")"); 
        error: function(result) { 
            alert("jQuery Error:" + result.statusText); 

i have solved it by putting <br /> instead of "\n" in concatObject method like this: return strArray.join("<br />");

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