Hey guys I'm new to these forums and I was curious about what avenue to take.
I am currently playing with Joomla and so far it seems not bad as far as CMS goes for developing and maintaining content on one website. However I am looking for something a little more refined for multi-site options. Yes I know I could use JMS multisite but it still doesn't sound like everything I'm looking for interms of the following:
I am looking for a CMS where multiple websites can be developed; and each site has two levels of administration - a Super Administrator/God Administrator who can change global values/configs/add/change everything/etc. And then a regular administrator that can change their assigned website.
So for example: S. Admin can change website A, B, C but administrator for site B cannot change content / settings on A or C.
Also another prerequesite would be that it(the CMS) is fairly easy to mold and sculpt.
Right now I'm thinking Plone + the Lineage extension sounds pretty much what I'm looking for but I want to know what all my options are and if Plone is what it says it is (ie. if anybody else has bad experiences with it).