Dear Friends,

im creating a website in which i get a response of my XML request from server.

Searchhotel.aspx create the request and listofHotels.aspx get the response on its Page_Load event.

Currently when i click on Search button from Searchhotel.aspx page it remains on Searchhotel.aspx Page and only display listofHotels.aspx page when the listofHotels.aspx page completely loaded.


I wish to display "Page Loading Message" while the listofHotels.aspx gets the response and display it on the page. when all is done then then "Page Loading Message" should be disappeared.

Looking for your Reply... :-/

If you use ajax there is a Ajax extension called as "Update Progress"
you can use it.

Yes either you can go with Ajax UpdateProgress bar or you can use html <div> and with the help of java script set the style property and show any gif image.

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