Hi everyone,
This is the error I get for this project. Been through the code all day and no problems found, still I get this error:
DB access error(You have an error in your SQL syntax;check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '21.2',qty='2',other=",total='594.2',courier='175',date='2010-05-04"at line one)
orders.php page:
function page_config ()
return NULL;
function page_post ()
if ( !is_admin () ) return "index.php?page=admin/login";
return NULL;
function side_main ()
echo "<font class=\"pagetitle\">Options</font>";
echo "<UL>";
echo "<LI><A href=\"index.php?page=admin/categories&func=add\">Add New Category</A></LI>";
echo "<LI><A href=\"index.php?page=admin/main\">Return to Administration</A></LI>";
echo "</UL>";
function page_sidebar ()
return NULL;
function sub_main ()
include "panel.php";
echo "<FONT class=\"pagetitle\">Orders Placed</FONT>";
$order = @mysql_query ( "SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY firstname ASC" );
if ( $order === false )
errormsg ();
if ( mysql_num_rows ( $order ) == 0 )
echo "<P>Order list is empty.</P>";
echo "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\">";
echo "<TR><TD colspan=\"3\"> </td></tr>";
echo "<TR>";
echo "<TH>Client</TH>";
echo "<TH>Email</TH>";
echo "<TH></TH>";
echo "</TR>";
while ( $orderrow = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $order ) )
echo "<TR>";
echo "<TD height=\"25\"><A href=\"index.php?page=admin/orders&func=user&id=" . $orderrow ['id'] . "\">" . $orderrow ['firstname'] . " " . $orderrow ['lastname'] . "</a></TD>";
echo "<TD><a href=\"mailto:".$orderrow ['email']."\">" . $orderrow ['email'] . "</TD>";
echo "<TD><A href=\"index.php?page=admin/orders&func=user&id=" . $orderrow ['id'] . "\">Details</a></TD>";
echo "</TR>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td colspan=\"2\">";
echo "</td>";
echo "<td>";
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
function sub_order ()
include "panel.php";
$order = @mysql_query ( "SELECT * FROM orders WHERE orderid='".$_GET ['id']."' " );
$order_other = @mysql_query ( "SELECT * FROM orders WHERE orderid='".$_GET ['id']."' " );
$orderrow_other = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $order_other );
echo "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"3\" cellpadding=\"3\">";
echo "<TR>";
echo "<td colspan=\"4\"><strong>Description</strong></td>";
echo "</TR>";
echo "<TR>";
echo "<td colspan=\"4\">".$orderrow_other['other']."</td>";
echo "</TR>";
echo "<TR>";
echo "<td width=\"25%\"><strong>Product Number</strong></td>";
echo "<td><strong>Qty.</strong></td>";
echo "<td><strong>Name</strong></td>";
//echo "<td align=\"right\"><strong>Amount</strong></td>";
echo "</TR>";
echo "<TR>";
echo "<td colspan=\"4\"><hr></td>";
echo "</TR>";
while ( $orderrow = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $order ) )
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>".$orderrow['code']."</td>";
echo "<td>".$orderrow['qty']."</td>";
echo "<td>".$orderrow['name']."</td>";
//echo "<td align=\"right\" width=\"15%\">". float_to_rand ( $orderrow['price'] ) ."</td>";
echo "</tr>";
$total += $orderrow['price'] ;
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td> </td>";
echo "<td> </td>";
echo "<td> </td>";
echo "<td></td>";
echo "</tr>";
/*echo "<tr>";
echo "<td colspan=\"3\"><strong>Total</strong></td>";
echo "<td align=\"right\"><strong>".float_to_rand ( $total )."</strong></td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td colspan=\"4\"><strong><hr></strong></td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td colspan=\"3\"><strong>Total VAT incl. in total price</strong></td>";
$vat = 14;
$devide = 114;
$vat_incl = $total;
$tot_vat = $total * $vat;
$total_cost = $tot_vat / $devide;
echo "<td align=\"right\"><strong>".float_to_rand ( $total_cost )."</strong></td>";
echo "</tr>";*/
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td colspan=\"3\"> </td>";
echo "<td></td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td colspan=\"4\">";
title ( "Options" );
echo "<UL>";
echo "<LI><A href=\"index.php?page=admin/orders&func=user&id=".$_GET['usid']."\">Return to Order List</A></LI>";
echo "<LI><A href=\"index.php?page=admin/main\">Return to Administration</A></LI>";
echo "</UL>";
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
function sub_user ()
include "panel.php";
$orders = @mysql_query ( "SELECT * FROM number WHERE userid='".$_GET['id']."' ORDER BY orderid DESC" );
if ( $orders === false )
errormsg ();
if ( mysql_num_rows($orders) == 0)
echo "<P>No orders have been placed</P>";
echo "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"3\" cellpadding=\"3\">";
echo "<TR>";
echo "<td><strong>Order Number</strong></td>";
echo "<td><strong>Date</strong></td>";
echo "<td></td>";
echo "</TR>";
echo "<TR>";
echo "<td colspan=\"4\"><hr></td>";
echo "</TR>";
while ( $orderrow = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $orders ) )
$items = @mysql_query ( "SELECT * FROM orders WHERE orderid='".$orderrow ['orderid']."' " );
$itemsrow = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $items );
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td width=\"20%\"><strong>" . $orderrow ['orderid'] . "</strong></td>";
echo "<td><a href=\"index.php?page=admin/orders&func=order&id=".$orderrow ['orderid']."&usid=".$_GET['id']."\">" . $itemsrow ['date'] . "</a></td>";
echo "<td align=\"right\" width=\"10%\"><a href=\"index.php?page=admin/orders&func=order&id=".$orderrow['orderid']."&usid=".$_GET['id']."\">Details</a></td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "<TR>";
echo "<TD colspan=\"4\"><hr></td>";
echo "</TR>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td colspan=\"2\">";
title ( "Options" );
echo "<UL>";
echo "<LI><A href=\"index.php?page=admin/orders\">Return to Client List</A></LI>";
echo "<LI><A href=\"index.php?page=admin/main\">Return to Administration</A></LI>";
echo "</UL>";
echo "</td>";
echo "<td>";
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
function page_main ()
switch ( $_GET ['func'] )
case "order": sub_order ( $config ); break;
case "user": sub_user ( $config ); break;
default: sub_main ( $config ); break;
sql query for orders table:
`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`userid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`itemid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`date` date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00',
`orderid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`delivery_country` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`delivery_address1` varchar(250) NOT NULL default '',
`delivery_address2` varchar(250) NOT NULL default '',
`delivery_city` varchar(250) NOT NULL default '',
`delivery_postalcode` varchar(250) NOT NULL default '',
`delivery_province` varchar(250) NOT NULL default '',
`name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
`price` float NOT NULL default '0',
`total` float NOT NULL default '0',
`qty` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
`courier` float NOT NULL default '0',
`other` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
-- Dumping data for table `orders`
INSERT INTO `orders` (`id`, `userid`, `itemid`, `date`, `orderid`, `delivery_country`, `delivery_address1`, `delivery_address2`, `delivery_city`, `delivery_postalcode`, `delivery_province`, `name`, `price`, `total`, `qty`, `courier`, `other`) VALUES
(3, 365, 448383, '2008-09-02', 2, 'South Africa, Rand', 'Swartmodderweg 28', '', 'Upington', '8800', 'Northern Cape', 'Star Tree Chardonnay', 1, 7, 6, 1, 'Test Transaction - Web Studio'),
(18, 12, 448377, '2008-09-16', 3, 'BELGIUM', 'ddsf', 'fsdfdf', 'weerr', '88000', 'dsere', 'Full Cream Sherry', 29.64, 6029.52, 6, 5496, ''),
(19, 12, 448378, '2008-09-16', 3, 'BELGIUM', 'ddsf', 'fsdfdf', 'weerr', '88000', 'dsere', 'Old Brown Sherry', 29.64, 6029.52, 6, 5496, ''),
(17, 12, 448377, '2008-09-16', 3, 'BELGIUM', 'ddsf', 'fsdfdf', 'weerr', '88000', 'dsere', 'Full Cream Sherry', 29.64, 6029.52, 6, 5496, ''),
(28, 405, 448361, '2008-10-24', 4, 'SOUTH AFRICA', '36 Petunia Crescent', '36 Petunia Crescent', 'Upington', '8801', 'Northern Cape', 'Rosé', 18.92, 1715.22, 18, 0, 'Goeie Dag,\r\nMy naam is Tanya en Bly in California.So kan nie wyn optel nie.Kan u asb. met my sister in kontak tree en dan kan sy die wyn by U optel.Sy woon in Upington. Haar naam is Lindi Nel cell.0835214076, huisnr. 054-3390008.Ek koop wyn vir my ma se v'),
(27, 405, 448358, '2008-10-24', 4, 'SOUTH AFRICA', '36 Petunia Crescent', '36 Petunia Crescent', 'Upington', '8801', 'Northern Cape', 'Nouveau Blanc', 18.92, 1715.22, 18, 0, 'Goeie Dag,\r\nMy naam is Tanya en Bly in California.So kan nie wyn optel nie.Kan u asb. met my sister in kontak tree en dan kan sy die wyn by U optel.Sy woon in Upington. Haar naam is Lindi Nel cell.0835214076, huisnr. 054-3390008.Ek koop wyn vir my ma se v'),
(29, 405, 448363, '2008-10-24', 4, 'SOUTH AFRICA', '36 Petunia Crescent', '36 Petunia Crescent', 'Upington', '8801', 'Northern Cape', 'Brut Sparkling Wine', 29.75, 1715.22, 18, 0, 'Goeie Dag,\r\nMy naam is Tanya en Bly in California.So kan nie wyn optel nie.Kan u asb. met my sister in kontak tree en dan kan sy die wyn by U optel.Sy woon in Upington. Haar naam is Lindi Nel cell.0835214076, huisnr. 054-3390008.Ek koop wyn vir my ma se v'),
(30, 405, 448379, '2008-10-24', 4, 'SOUTH AFRICA', '36 Petunia Crescent', '36 Petunia Crescent', 'Upington', '8801', 'Northern Cape', 'Grape Juice Sparkling Red', 13.85, 1715.22, 18, 0, 'Goeie Dag,\r\nMy naam is Tanya en Bly in California.So kan nie wyn optel nie.Kan u asb. met my sister in kontak tree en dan kan sy die wyn by U optel.Sy woon in Upington. Haar naam is Lindi Nel cell.0835214076, huisnr. 054-3390008.Ek koop wyn vir my ma se v'),
(31, 405, 448381, '2008-10-24', 4, 'SOUTH AFRICA', '36 Petunia Crescent', '36 Petunia Crescent', 'Upington', '8801', 'Northern Cape', 'Grape Juice Sparkling White', 13.85, 1715.22, 18, 0, 'Goeie Dag,\r\nMy naam is Tanya en Bly in California.So kan nie wyn optel nie.Kan u asb. met my sister in kontak tree en dan kan sy die wyn by U optel.Sy woon in Upington. Haar naam is Lindi Nel cell.0835214076, huisnr. 054-3390008.Ek koop wyn vir my ma se v'),
(33, 365, 448373, '2008-10-31', 5, 'SOUTH AFRICA', 'Swartmodderweg 28', '', 'Upington', '8800', 'Northern Cape', 'Red Muscadel', 29.64, 2383.38, 18, 0, ''),
(34, 365, 448376, '2008-10-31', 5, 'SOUTH AFRICA', 'Swartmodderweg 28', '', 'Upington', '8800', 'Northern Cape', 'Medium Cream Sherry', 29.64, 2383.38, 18, 0, ''),
(35, 365, 448377, '2008-10-31', 5, 'SOUTH AFRICA', 'Swartmodderweg 28', '', 'Upington', '8800', 'Northern Cape', 'Full Cream Sherry', 29.64, 2383.38, 18, 0, ''),
(36, 365, 448377, '2008-10-31', 5, 'SOUTH AFRICA', 'Swartmodderweg 28', '', 'Upington', '8800', 'Northern Cape', 'Full Cream Sherry', 29.64, 2383.38, 18, 0, ''),
(37, 365, 448379, '2008-10-31', 5, 'SOUTH AFRICA', 'Swartmodderweg 28', '', 'Upington', '8800', 'Northern Cape', 'Grape Juice Sparkling Red', 13.85, 2383.38, 18, 0, ''),
(38, 365, 448375, '2008-11-03', 6, 'SOUTH AFRICA', 'Swartmodderweg 28', '', 'Upington', '8800', 'Northern Cape', 'Red Port', 29.64, 1778.4, 30, 0, ''),
(39, 365, 448378, '2008-11-03', 6, 'SOUTH AFRICA', 'Swartmodderweg 28', '', 'Upington', '8800', 'Northern Cape', 'Old Brown Sherry', 29.64, 1778.4, 30, 0, ''),
(40, 365, 448375, '2008-11-03', 7, 'SOUTH AFRICA', 'Swartmodderweg 28', '', 'Upington', '8800', 'Northern Cape', 'Red Port', 29.64, 1778.4, 30, 0, ''),
(41, 365, 448378, '2008-11-03', 7, 'SOUTH AFRICA', 'Swartmodderweg 28', '', 'Upington', '8800', 'Northern Cape', 'Old Brown Sherry', 29.64, 1778.4, 30, 0, ''),
(49, 365, 448373, '2008-11-04', 8, 'South Africa', 'Industria Road 32', '-', 'Upington', '8800', 'Northern Cape', 'Red Muscadel', 29.64, 889.2, 30, 0, ''),
(50, 365, 448373, '2008-11-04', 9, 'South Africa', 'Industria Road 32', '-', 'Upington', '8800', 'Northern Cape', 'Red Muscadel', 29.64, 889.2, 30, 0, 'Test'),
(51, 365, 448370, '2008-11-04', 10, 'South Africa', 'Industria Road 32', '-', 'Upington', '8800', 'Northern Cape', 'White Jerepigo', 29.64, 1956.24, 66, 0, ''),
(52, 365, 448372, '2008-11-04', 11, 'South Africa', 'Industria Road 32', '-', 'Upington', '8800', 'Northern Cape', 'Soet Hanepoot', 28.15, 1857.9, 66, 0, ''),
(53, 365, 448367, '2008-11-04', 12, 'South Africa', 'Industria Road 32', '-', 'Upington', '8800', 'Northern Cape', 'Ruby Cabernet', 24.28, 1748.16, 72, 0, ''),
(54, 365, 448370, '2008-11-04', 13, 'SOUTH AFRICA', 'Swartmodderweg 28', '', 'Upington', '8800', 'Northern Cape', 'White Jerepigo', 29.64, 1119.2, 30, 230, ''),
(56, 405, 448358, '2008-11-04', 14, 'South Africa', 'Industria Road 32', '-', 'Upington', '8800', 'Northern Cape', 'Nouveau', 18.92, 1715.22, 18, 0, ''),
(57, 405, 448361, '2008-11-04', 14, 'South Africa', 'Industria Road 32', '-', 'Upington', '8800', 'Northern Cape', 'Rosé', 18.92, 1715.22, 18, 0, ''),
(58, 405, 448364, '2008-11-04', 14, 'South Africa', 'Industria Road 32', '-', 'Upington', '8800', 'Northern Cape', 'Doux Sparkling Wine', 29.75, 1715.22, 18, 0, ''),
(59, 405, 448379, '2008-11-04', 14, 'South Africa', 'Industria Road 32', '-', 'Upington', '8800', 'Northern Cape', 'Grape Juice Sparkling Red', 13.85, 1715.22, 18, 0, ''),
(60, 405, 448381, '2008-11-04', 14, 'South Africa', 'Industria Road 32', '-', 'Upington', '8800', 'Northern Cape', 'Grape Juice Sparkling White', 13.85, 1715.22, 18, 0, ''),
(63, 12, 448354, '2008-11-14', 15, 'SOUTH AFRICA', '87A Culross Road', '', 'Brayanston, Sandton', '', 'Gauteng', 'Chardonnay', 21.43, 1142.04, 12, 270, ''),
(64, 12, 448361, '2008-11-14', 15, 'SOUTH AFRICA', '87A Culross Road', '', 'Brayanston, Sandton', '', 'Gauteng', 'Rosé', 18.92, 1142.04, 6, 270, ''),
(65, 12, 448365, '2008-11-14', 15, 'SOUTH AFRICA', '87A Culross Road', '', 'Brayanston, Sandton', '', 'Gauteng', 'Pinotage', 24.28, 1142.04, 6, 270, ''),
(66, 12, 448368, '2008-11-14', 15, 'SOUTH AFRICA', '87A Culross Road', '', 'Brayanston, Sandton', '', 'Gauteng', 'Shiraz', 29.64, 1142.04, 6, 270, ''),
(67, 12, 448376, '2008-11-14', 15, 'SOUTH AFRICA', '87A Culross Road', '', 'Brayanston, Sandton', '', 'Gauteng', 'Medium Cream Sherry', 29.64, 1142.04, 6, 270, ''),
(107, 411, 448381, '2008-11-17', 16, 'South Africa', 'Industria Road 32', '-', 'Upington', '8800', 'Northern Cape', 'Grape Juice Sparkling White', 13.85, 2710.5, 24, 0, 'Karlien,\r\n\r\nAfhaal by Bloemfontein depot teen 28 November asb.'),
(106, 411, 448377, '2008-11-17', 16, 'South Africa', 'Industria Road 32', '-', 'Upington', '8800', 'Northern Cape', 'Full Cream Sherry', 29.64, 2710.5, 12, 0, 'Karlien,\r\n\r\nAfhaal by Bloemfontein depot teen 28 November asb.'),
(104, 411, 448374, '2008-11-17', 16, 'South Africa', 'Industria Road 32', '-', 'Upington', '8800', 'Northern Cape', 'White Muscadel', 29.64, 2710.5, 6, 0, 'Karlien,\r\n\r\nAfhaal by Bloemfontein depot teen 28 November asb.'),
(105, 411, 448375, '2008-11-17', 16, 'South Africa', 'Industria Road 32', '-', 'Upington', '8800', 'Northern Cape', 'Red Port', 29.64, 2710.5, 6, 0, 'Karlien,\r\n\r\nAfhaal by Bloemfontein depot teen 28 November asb.'),
(103, 411, 448369, '2008-11-17', 16, 'South Africa', 'Industria Road 32', '-', 'Upington', '8800', 'Northern Cape', 'Cabernet Sauvignon', 24.28, 2710.5, 12, 0, 'Karlien,\r\n\r\nAfhaal by Bloemfontein depot teen 28 November asb.'),
(102, 411, 448368, '2008-11-17', 16, 'South Africa', 'Industria Road 32', '-', 'Upington', '8800', 'Northern Cape', 'Shiraz', 29.64, 2710.5, 12, 0, 'Karlien,\r\n\r\nAfhaal by Bloemfontein depot teen 28 November asb.'),
(101, 411, 448364, '2008-11-17', 16, 'South Africa', 'Industria Road 32', '-', 'Upington', '8800', 'Northern Cape', 'Doux Sparkling Wine', 29.75, 2710.5, 18, 0, 'Karlien,\r\n\r\nAfhaal by Bloemfontein depot teen 28 November asb.'),
(100, 411, 448359, '2008-11-17', 16, 'South Africa', 'Industria Road 32', '-', 'Upington', '8800', 'Northern Cape', 'Late Harvest', 18.92, 2710.5, 6, 0, 'Karlien,\r\n\r\nAfhaal by Bloemfontein depot teen 28 November asb.'),
(99, 411, 448354, '2008-11-17', 16, 'South Africa', 'Industria Road 32', '-', 'Upington', '8800', 'Northern Cape', 'Chardonnay', 21.43, 2710.5, 12, 0, 'Karlien,\r\n\r\nAfhaal by Bloemfontein depot teen 28 November asb.'),
(98, 411, 448351, '2008-11-17', 16, 'South Africa', 'Industria Road 32', '-', 'Upington', '8800', 'Northern Cape', 'Blanc de Blanc', 18.92, 2710.5, 6, 0, 'Karlien,\r\n\r\nAfhaal by Bloemfontein depot teen 28 November asb.'),
(117, 12, 448376, '2008-11-17', 17, 'SOUTH AFRICA', '87A Culross Road', '', 'Brayanston, Sandton', '2021', 'Gauteng', 'Medium Cream Sherry', 29.64, 1142.04, 6, 270, ''),
(116, 12, 448368, '2008-11-17', 17, 'SOUTH AFRICA', '87A Culross Road', '', 'Brayanston, Sandton', '2021', 'Gauteng', 'Shiraz', 29.64, 1142.04, 6, 270, ''),
(115, 12, 448365, '2008-11-17', 17, 'SOUTH AFRICA', '87A Culross Road', '', 'Brayanston, Sandton', '2021', 'Gauteng', 'Pinotage', 24.28, 1142.04, 6, 270, ''),
(114, 12, 448361, '2008-11-17', 17, 'SOUTH AFRICA', '87A Culross Road', '', 'Brayanston, Sandton', '2021', 'Gauteng', 'Rosé', 18.92, 1142.04, 6, 270, ''),
(113, 12, 448354, '2008-11-17', 17, 'SOUTH AFRICA', '87A Culross Road', '', 'Brayanston, Sandton', '2021', 'Gauteng', 'Chardonnay', 21.43, 1142.04, 12, 270, ''),
(126, 416, 448358, '2008-12-01', 21, 'SOUTH AFRICA', 'c/o Virginia Flight School Virginia Airport', '220 fairway drive', 'durban', '4600', 'natal', 'Nouveau', 18.92, 332.04, 12, 105, ''),
(125, 413, 448368, '2008-11-20', 20, 'SOUTH AFRICA', 'PO Box 52000', '', 'Wierdapark', '0149', 'Gauteng', 'Shiraz', 24.28, 396.36, 12, 105, ''),
(124, 413, 448368, '2008-11-19', 19, 'SOUTH AFRICA', 'PO Box 52000', '', 'Wierdapark', '0149', 'Gauteng', 'Shiraz', 24.28, 396.36, 12, 105, ''),
(123, 413, 448368, '2008-11-19', 18, 'SOUTH AFRICA', 'PO Box 52000', '', 'Wierdapark', '0149', 'Gauteng', 'Shiraz', 24.28, 396.36, 12, 105, ''),
(127, 418, 448361, '2009-02-09', 22, 'SOUTH AFRICA', '57 eva st', 'Fairleads', 'benoni', '1501', 'Gauteng', 'Rosé', 18.92, 332.04, 12, 105, ''),
(128, 416, 448358, '2009-05-19', 23, 'SOUTH AFRICA', 'c/o Virginia Flight School Virginia Airport', '220 fairway drive', 'durban', '4600', 'natal', 'Nouveau', 20.2, 347.4, 12, 105, ''),
(132, 462, 448365, '2009-07-17', 24, 'SOUTH AFRICA', 'Jan van Riebeeck Drive', 'Dal Josafat', 'Paarl', '7646', 'Western Cape', 'Pinotage', 25.1, 267, 3, 110, ''),
(131, 462, 448356, '2009-07-17', 24, 'SOUTH AFRICA', 'Jan van Riebeeck Drive', 'Dal Josafat', 'Paarl', '7646', 'Western Cape', 'Chenin Blanc', 20.2, 267, 1, 110, ''),
(133, 462, 448373, '2009-07-17', 24, 'SOUTH AFRICA', 'Jan van Riebeeck Drive', 'Dal Josafat', 'Paarl', '7646', 'Western Cape', 'Red Muscadel', 30.75, 267, 2, 110, ''),
(134, 12, 448354, '2009-08-20', 25, 'South Africa', 'Industria Road 32', '-', 'Upington', '8800', 'Northern Cape', 'Chardonnay', 22.3, 2496.6, 24, 0, '20% afskag, goedgekeur deur Koos Visser.'),
(135, 12, 448355, '2009-08-20', 25, 'South Africa', 'Industria Road 32', '-', 'Upington', '8800', 'Northern Cape', 'Colombard', 20.2, 2496.6, 24, 0, '20% afskag, goedgekeur deur Koos Visser.'),
(136, 12, 448361, '2009-08-20', 25, 'South Africa', 'Industria Road 32', '-', 'Upington', '8800', 'Northern Cape', 'Rosé', 20.2, 2496.6, 6, 0, '20% afskag, goedgekeur deur Koos Visser.'),
(137, 12, 448365, '2009-08-20', 25, 'South Africa', 'Industria Road 32', '-', 'Upington', '8800', 'Northern Cape', 'Pinotage', 25.1, 2496.6, 24, 0, '20% afskag, goedgekeur deur Koos Visser.'),
(138, 12, 448368, '2009-08-20', 25, 'South Africa', 'Industria Road 32', '-', 'Upington', '8800', 'Northern Cape', 'Shiraz', 25.1, 2496.6, 30, 0, '20% afskag, goedgekeur deur Koos Visser.'),
(139, 418, 448361, '2009-08-24', 26, 'SOUTH AFRICA', '36 Ednam Rd', 'Newlands', 'Cape Town', '7700', 'Western Cape', 'Rosé', 20.2, 231.2, 6, 110, ''),
(140, 418, 448361, '2009-08-24', 27, 'SOUTH AFRICA', '36 Ednam Rd', 'Newlands', 'Cape Town', '7700', 'Western Cape', 'Rosé', 20.2, 231.2, 6, 110, ''),
(152, 479, 448373, '2009-09-10', 29, 'SOUTH AFRICA', 'Border Country Inn', '', 'Komatipoort', '1340', 'Mpumalanga', 'Red Muscadel', 30.75, 1881, 12, 405, ''),
(150, 479, 448370, '2009-09-10', 29, 'SOUTH AFRICA', 'Border Country Inn', '', 'Komatipoort', '1340', 'Mpumalanga', 'White Jerepigo', 30.75, 1881, 12, 405, ''),
(151, 479, 448371, '2009-09-10', 29, 'SOUTH AFRICA', 'Border Country Inn', '', 'Komatipoort', '1340', 'Mpumalanga', 'Red Jerepigo', 30.75, 1881, 12, 405, ''),
(148, 476, 448386, '2009-09-05', 28, 'SOUTH AFRICA', '6 Herons Walk. 11 Plane Crescent', '', 'Howick', '3290', 'KZN', 'Blanc de Noir', 20.2, 1717, 60, 505, ''),
(153, 479, 448374, '2009-09-10', 29, 'SOUTH AFRICA', 'Border Country Inn', '', 'Komatipoort', '1340', 'Mpumalanga', 'White Muscadel', 30.75, 1881, 12, 405, ''),
(154, 489, 448355, '2009-09-28', 30, 'SOUTH AFRICA', '6 May Crescent, Duynefontein', 'Melkbosstrand', 'Cape Town', '7441', 'Western Cape', 'Colombard', 20.2, 1101, 12, 315, ''),
(155, 489, 448356, '2009-09-28', 30, 'SOUTH AFRICA', '6 May Crescent, Duynefontein', 'Melkbosstrand', 'Cape Town', '7441', 'Western Cape', 'Chenin Blanc', 20.2, 1101, 12, 315, ''),
(156, 489, 448365, '2009-09-28', 30, 'SOUTH AFRICA', '6 May Crescent, Duynefontein', 'Melkbosstrand', 'Cape Town', '7441', 'Western Cape', 'Pinotage', 25.1, 1101, 6, 315, ''),
(157, 489, 448368, '2009-09-28', 30, 'SOUTH AFRICA', '6 May Crescent, Duynefontein', 'Melkbosstrand', 'Cape Town', '7441', 'Western Cape', 'Shiraz', 25.1, 1101, 6, 315, ''),
(158, 493, 448354, '2009-10-02', 31, 'SOUTH AFRICA', '54 Nottingham Rd', 'Kensington', 'Johannesburg', '2094', 'Gauteng', 'Chardonnay', 22.3, 580.6, 6, 175, ''),
(159, 493, 448356, '2009-10-02', 31, 'SOUTH AFRICA', '54 Nottingham Rd', 'Kensington', 'Johannesburg', '2094', 'Gauteng', 'Chenin Blanc', 20.2, 580.6, 6, 175, ''),
(160, 493, 448365, '2009-10-02', 31, 'SOUTH AFRICA', '54 Nottingham Rd', 'Kensington', 'Johannesburg', '2094', 'Gauteng', 'Pinotage', 25.1, 580.6, 6, 175, '');
Please help!!!
Thanks in advance