Can anyone please explain for developing rich internet applications which one of these two technologies (Flash VS jQuery) is better to use based on criteria such as "Pros and Cons or situations" and why? Please explain in details, it is very confusing. Thank you.

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I suggest FLASH for rich internet applicaitons, We can create the interface whatever you want in flash, You can design/Code and publish it. But in JQuery (Couldn't have any interface to design on your own) its a javascript plug in. It will help you to create some of the photo galleries, implementing tweens with their class (No timeline functions when compared to flash).

So user friendly FLASH! If you are a good javascript programmer then move to JQuery with less options compare to flash.

Against Flash because anything in it does not get indexed by search engines. This does not automatically mean that it will with jQuery. That will depend on your coding.

I'm with Steve Jobs on this one. Avoid Flash. Any design can be revised to work with standards (Javascript, etc). You can do a lot of very cool animations and appearance frills, especially if you use a decent library.

The are few reasons to prefer Flash and the downsides are enormous. The biggest problem is that it might not be in the users browser. Along with this is the fact that it is a resource hog. My computer hates Flash. It is a very complicated development environment and the best tools cost a lot of money (not so with Javascript). As time goes on, your progress is dependent on Adobe adding features and then users adopting them. Since Flash is proprietary, any expertise you develop will only be applicable to Flash projects. The things you do with Javascript prepare you for a much more flexible future.

Anything you can do in flash you can do with HTML and Javascript (I disagree that you have to revise the design to "work" with javascript my work has some sites that I'm sure you would swear were in flash but are not). jQuery is a nice library because it provides solutions (mostly tested) to everyday web problems so you don't have to(why redevelop the wheel). There really isn't a learning curve to jQuery as long as you have a good javascript background. I've never really worked with flash but it seems to be a disputed technology. It requires that the user has a plugin installed on the browser where javascript will 99% of the time work (unless the user has it turned off and if the user has javascript disabled they probably won't allow flash content either). I think before making the decision though you need to look at what the goals of your site are. Then look at the different parts of your site and google different solutions for creating those parts. Are they cross browser compatible in each solution? Which solution will take less time and effort? Will those solutions cost you anything?

Can anyone please explain for developing rich internet applications which one of these two technologies (Flash VS jQuery) is better to use based on criteria such as "Pros and Cons or situations" and why? Please explain in details, it is very confusing. Thank you.

jQuery is a fast and concise JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions for rapid web development. jQuery is designed to change the way that you write JavaScript.

About Flash :It is used to create vector graphics-based animation programs with full-screen navigation interfaces, graphic illustrations, and simple interactivity in an antialiased, resizable file format that is small enough to stream across a normal modem connection.

Flash is little bit slow for downloading but Jquery is little bit faster than Flash.

But the main Backlog in jQuery is it runs on Coding but some times it will not support some application as Flash Can Do Every Thing

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