the first image is what I have, the second image is what I want to achieve.

below is my code.

its basically displaying mysql data in columns. but I need to get rid of that huge gab.

if (!function_exists("GetSQLValueString")) { require_once ($FolderFunctions.'getvaluestring.php'); } 
mysql_select_db($database_classi, $classi);
$query_docategories = "SELECT catID, Title, ParentCat, `Description`, `Sort` FROM category WHERE ParentCat = '0' ORDER BY Sort ASC";
$docategories = mysql_query($query_docategories, $classi) or die(mysql_error());
$row_docategories = mysql_fetch_assoc($docategories);
$totalRows_docategories = mysql_num_rows($docategories);
	<?php echo $lanClassifiedAds; ?>
<div class="homelist">
	<table border="0" width="100%">
		//set 3 to 4 of you want 4 columns. Set it to 5 if you want 5, etc
		$numcols = 4; // how many columns to display
		$numcolsprinted = 0; // no of columns so far

		// get the results to be displayed
		mysql_select_db($database_classi, $classi);
		$query = "SELECT * FROM category WHERE ParentCat = '0'";
		$mysql_result = mysql_query($query, $classi);

		// get each row
		while($myrow = mysql_fetch_row($mysql_result))
		{ ?>

			$in= $myrow[3].'<br>';

			if ($numcolsprinted == $numcols) {
			print "</tr>\n<tr>\n";
			$numcolsprinted = 0;

		// output row from database
		echo "<td class='valigntop'><div class='homelistbottompad'><div class='homepagecategories'>$in</div>"; ?>

		mysql_select_db($database_classi, $classi);
		$query_dosubcategories = "SELECT catID, Title, ParentCat, `Description`, `Sort` FROM category WHERE ParentCat = '".$myrow[0]."' ORDER BY Sort ASC";
		$dosubcategories = mysql_query($query_dosubcategories, $classi) or die(mysql_error());
		$row_dosubcategories = mysql_fetch_assoc($dosubcategories);
		$totalRows_dosubcategories = mysql_num_rows($dosubcategories);
		<?php do { ?>
			<div class="subpagecategories">• <a href="<?php echo 'ads-List_'.$row_dosubcategories['catID']; ?>.html" class="list" title="<?php echo $row_dosubcategories['Title']; ?> | <?php echo $row_meta['SiteTitle']; ?> - <?php echo $row_meta['SiteSlogan']; ?>"><?php echo			 $row_dosubcategories['Title']; ?></a> 
			mysql_select_db($database_classi, $classi);
			$query_getcount = "SELECT itemID,CatID FROM item WHERE catID = '".$row_dosubcategories['catID']."' AND Status='Active'";
			$getcount = mysql_query($query_getcount, $classi) or die(mysql_error());
			$row_getcount = mysql_fetch_assoc($getcount);
			$totalRows_getcount = mysql_num_rows($getcount);
			echo '('.$totalRows_getcount.')'; ?></div>
		<?php } while ($row_dosubcategories = mysql_fetch_assoc($dosubcategories)); ?>

		<?php echo "</td>\n";

		// bump up row counter

		} // end while loop

		$colstobalance = $numcols - $numcolsprinted;
		for ($i=1; $i<=$colstobalance; $i++) {

		print "<TD></div></TD>\n";


are you talking about the huge gap u have marked with green arrows???


categories are created from the admin section that I wrote. so i need a dynamic solution, not static ;-( Appreciate any help

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