i have been having this error massage tying to do certain registration on Nigeria army website www.nigeriaarmyms.org, and i keep on getting this massage:
"you have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your mySQL server version for the syntax to use near 'AZEEZ', surname= 'JIBRIN'= 'AJIM', password= 'JUG" at line 2. please what do i do?

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Nothing. It ain't your fault. Thanks for sharing your password and other details though. Do you have a bank account or e-mail address with the same password? If so, post the details here and we'll help you.

Is this a SELECT or an UPDATE? This is important to know. If it's a SELECT, you shouldn't be separating the conditions with commas, but instead " && ". If it is an update it is fine.

Either way, what is with this part:

'AZEEZ', surname= 'JIBRIN'= 'AJIM', password= 'JUG"

It looks like you may have left out something relating to their first name, cause after the surname value in quotes, there is ANOTHER quote with another value. Here you probably meant to put another comma and field name.

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