I have a TextBox that I want it's default language sets to farsi
I mean when somebody whants write on it ,by default language sets to Farsi-IR

Text box default language is English(US) and if you really to change to any other language then press F4, you go to properties box their under language option you can change the lanauge.

Unfortunately there is no property exist to change the controls input language, it depends on OS and their language support

Check this out

Implement localization in your page use the code given below and pass the language as parameter
e.g. call function ChangeLanguage("ar-Ksa")

Private Sub ChangeLanguage(ByVal lang As String)
For Each c As Control In Me.Controls
Dim resources As ComponentResourceManager = New ComponentResourceManager(GetType(Form1))
resources.ApplyResources(c, c.Name, New CultureInfo(lang))
Next c
end sub
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