Alright guys, bear with me, im a noob when it come to PHP.

When a user clicks I am currently redirecting users the following way:

echo '<li class="edit"><a href=updateInfoForm.html?id='.$siteInfoId.'><img src ="images/edit.png" class="editImg" height="23" width="23"/></a></li>';

The problem is I would rather not have this data in the URL, I know how to use POST and GET in relation to HTML forms and I more often than not use POST, but I was wondering how I would go about passing the "id" parameter without putting it directly in the URL in this case.

Any help is much appreciated!

if you make it a small form then just include a "<input type=hidden ... for the id.

i actually never thought of that. that's a pretty good idea for a work around and I may end up using that, but are there any other ways that are a little more conventional?

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Create a form with a submit button, Inside form tag define attributes method="post" action="filename.php".

Then within the form whatever tag you define with name attribute will passed to filename.php while on submit.

In filename.php use:

echo $id;

You can do it by using cookies and javascript

echo "<a href=updateInfoForm.html>a1</a>";


<script type="text/javascript">


function getCookie(c_name)
if (document.cookie.length>0)
c_start=document.cookie.indexOf(c_name + "=");
if (c_start!=-1)
c_start=c_start + c_name.length+1;
if (c_end==-1) c_end=document.cookie.length;
return unescape(document.cookie.substring(c_start,c_end));
return "";


thanks guys for all of your responses. I have another (related) question. I am attempting to post a form to itself. Let me back up. Right now I am displaying 6 columns using PHP and MySQL. and I want to give the user the ability to sort these results however they want. I am using a select list in a little form to post what the user wants to sort by. It works 100% fine when I use "get", but when I try to use "post" it only works sometimes. Is there something I am doing wrong?

Here are some snippets of the code where I am having trouble (FYI the name of the page is "siteInfo.html").

This is the form used to post the user selection:

<form action="siteInfo.html" id="inputForm" method="post">
					<select  class="select" name="sort" onchange="this.form.submit()">
						<option value="entryDate">Entry Date</option>";
						<option value="pageName">Page Name</option>";
						<option value="title">Title</option>";
						<option value="information">Information</option>";
						<option value="display">Display</option>";

Then later on down the page this is where the previous post from the form is read in:

                                        $sort = $_POST['sort'];
					include 'php/loginInfo.php'; 

					$link = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or die(mysql_error());
					mysql_select_db($dbName) or die(mysql_error());	
						$result = mysql_query('SELECT siteInfoId, entryDate, title, information, pageName, display FROM siteInfo, page WHERE page.pageId = siteInfo.pageId ORDER BY '.$sort.' desc');
						$result = mysql_query('SELECT siteInfoId, entryDate, title, information, pageName, display FROM siteInfo, page WHERE page.pageId = siteInfo.pageId ORDER BY entryDate desc');

And then farther down the page I have this for debugging, it seems that the form is not posting everytime based on the results from this debug, but who knows:

						echo 'SELECT siteInfoId, entryDate, title, information, pageName, display FROM siteInfo, page WHERE page.pageId = siteInfo.pageId ORDER BY '.$sort.' desc';
						echo 'Not Read!!! <br />';
						echo 'SELECT siteInfoId, entryDate, title, information, pageName, display FROM siteInfo, page WHERE page.pageId = siteInfo.pageId ORDER BY entryDate desc';
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