
I have made a PHP script that gets news data from a database and i used pagination to split it into page. I have it fully working with page numbers but i would like to know how i would make it only display 10 page numbers at the bottom at any one time. Can anyone help me please. I will post the full code for this.


//Check if in website//
	if (!defined("IN_WEB")) { die("Access Denied"); }


//Get page number from URL//
	if (isset($_GET['page']))
		$page = $_GET['page'];
		$page = mysqli_real_escape_string($myConnection,$page);	
	} else {
		$page = 1;	

//Record count//
	$sqlCommand = "SELECT * FROM news";
	$record_count = mysqli_query($myConnection, $sqlCommand) or die("Error Getting News Count: " . mysqli_error());
	$numrows = mysqli_num_rows($record_count);

//Total Pages//
	$total_pages1 = ($numrows/$per_page);
	$total_pages = round($total_pages1, 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);

//Check if page number is valid//
	if(($page>$total_pages) && ($page>1))
		$page = 1;
		echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Refresh\" Content=\"0; URL=" . $phpself . "?page=1\">";    

//Set Y as limit value//
	$y = ($page - 1) * $per_page;

//----Build News Block----//

//Get News Block Title//
	$sqlCommand = "SELECT * FROM news_block LIMIT 1";
	$query = mysqli_query($myConnection, $sqlCommand) or die("Error Getting News Block: " . mysqli_error());
	while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($query)) { 
		$NewsBlockTitle = $row["Block_Title"];

//Echo The Block Title//
	echo "<!-- News Block -->\n";
	echo "<h1>";
	echo $NewsBlockTitle;
	echo "</h1>\n";

//----Get & display News Items----//

//Get News//
	$sqlCommand = "SELECT * FROM news ORDER BY Date DESC LIMIT $y, $per_page"; //$per_page is set in main.php as 10
	$query = mysqli_query($myConnection, $sqlCommand) or die("Error Getting News Items: " . mysqli_error());
	while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($query)) { 
		$NewsTitle = $row["Title"];
		$NewsID = $row["ID"];
		$NewsAuthID = $row["Author_ID"];

//Get Author Name//
			$sqlCommand1 = "SELECT Name FROM users WHERE ID='$NewsAuthID' LIMIT 1";
			$query1 = mysqli_query($myConnection, $sqlCommand1) or die("Error Getting Author Name: " . mysqli_error());
			while ($row1 = mysqli_fetch_array($query1)) { 
				$NewsAuthorName = $row1["Name"];
		$NewsDate = date("d/m/Y", strtotime($row["Date"]));
		$NewsBody1 = $row["Body"];

//Limit body characters//
		if (strlen($NewsBody1) >= 1000)
			$NewsBody2 .= substr($NewsBody1,0,1000);
			$NewsBody2 .= " ..... <a href=\"news.php?id=" . $NewsID . "\">(Read More)</a>";
		} else {
			$NewsBody2 .= $NewsBody1;	
//Get Comment Count//
	$sqlCommand2 = "SELECT News_ID FROM news_comments WHERE News_ID='$NewsID'";
	$query2 = mysqli_query($myConnection, $sqlCommand2) or die("Error Getting Comment Count: " . mysqli_error());
	$CommentsCount = mysqli_num_rows($query2);

//Build News Blocks//	
	$newsBody .= "<div class=\"sub_title\">\n";
	$newsBody .= "<span><a href=\"news.php?id=" . $NewsID . "\">" . $NewsTitle . "</a></span>\n";
	$newsBody .= "<div class=\"divider2\"></div>\n";
	$newsBody .= "<span class=\"span_right\">" . $NewsAuthorName . "</span>\n";
	$newsBody .= "<div class=\"divider2\"></div>\n";
	$newsBody .= "<span class=\"span_right\"> " . $NewsDate ."</span> \n";
	$newsBody .= "<div class=\"divider2\"></div>\n";
	$newsBody .= " <span class=\"span_right\"><a href=\"news.php?id=" . $NewsID . "\">Comments (" . $CommentsCount .")</a></span>\n";
	$newsBody .= "</div>\n";
	$newsBody .= "<div class=\"news_wrapper\">";
	$newsBody .= "<p>";
	$newsBody .= $NewsBody2;
	$newsBody .= "</p>\n";
	$newsBody .= "</div>";
	$newsBody .= "<br />";

//Echo the news//
	echo $newsBody;
	echo "<br />\n";

//----Page Numbering----//

	if(($numrows - $per_page) < 1)
//If only 1 page of news//
		echo "<center>";
		echo "Page 1 of 1\n";
		echo "<br />";	
		echo "<br />";	
		echo "</center>";	
	} else {
//Build page numbering//
		echo "<center>";
		echo "Page $page of $total_pages\n";
		echo "<br />";
		echo "<table width=\"250\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\">\n";
		echo "<tr>\n";
		echo "<td width=\"125\">\n";
//Build first and previous buttons//
		if ($page != 1)
			echo " <a href='" . $phpself . "?page=1'  >&laquo;&laquo; First </a>  ";	
			$prev = $page - 1;
			echo " <a href='" . $phpself . "?page=" . $prev . "'> &laquo; Previous </a> ";
//Build middle divider//
		if (($page != 1) && ($page != $total_pages))
			echo " |";	
	echo "</td>\n";
	echo "<td width=\"125\">\n";
//Build middle divider//
		if (($page != 1) && ($page != $total_pages))
			echo "| ";	
//Build last and next buttons//
		if ($page != $total_pages)
			$next = $page + 1;
			echo " <a href='" . $phpself . "?page=" . $next . "' > Next &raquo; </a> "; 
			echo " <a href='" . $phpself . "?page=" . $total_pages . "' > Last &raquo;&raquo; </a> ";	
	echo "</td>\n";
	echo "</tr>\n";
	echo "</table>\n";
//Build page numbers//
				echo " | <a href='" . $phpself . "?page=" . $i . "'>" . $i. "</a> | ";		
				echo " | <a href='" . $phpself . "?page=" . $i . "'><b>" . $i. "</b></a> | ";
			echo "<br />";
			echo "</center>";
		} // End of "if(($numrows - $per_page) < 1)"//
	echo "<!-- End Of News Block -->\n";

As i say, this code fully works.

Thanks in advance.

on pagination you will find number of tutorials on net. Please try to find a tutorials which meets your requirement. If you do not find any tutorials after making deep search in search engine like google. Please let us know.

on pagination you will find number of tutorials on net. Please try to find a tutorials which meets your requirement. If you do not find any tutorials after making deep search in search engine like google. Please let us know.

The reason I posted here is because I couldn't find anything helpful on the net.

Nice Logic

$total_pages = round($total_pages1, 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP);

i think it is better to use ceil() instead of round() here

Thanks meempat. Does anyone have any ides how to go about the page number limiting ?

Any one know any way of doing this?

I hate to have to bump, but its been a while with no reply.


I have updated the code slightly but i still have not found anything on my problem.

Updated code:

//Check if in website//
	if (!defined("IN_WEB")) { die("Access Denied"); }

//Record count//
	$sqlCommand = "SELECT * FROM news";
	$record_count = mysqli_query(ConnectToMYSQLI(), $sqlCommand) or die("Error Getting News Count: " . mysqli_error());
	$numrows = mysqli_num_rows($record_count);

//Total Pages//
	$total_pages = ceil(($numrows/$per_page));
//Get page number from URL//
	if (isset($_GET['page']))
		$page = $_GET['page'];
		$page = mysqli_real_escape_string(ConnectToMYSQLI(),$page);	
		//Check if page number is valid//
		if(($page>$total_pages) && ($page>1))
			$page = 1;
			echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Refresh\" Content=\"0; URL=" . $phpself . "?page=1\">";    
		if($_GET['page'] <1)
			$page = 1;
			echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Refresh\" Content=\"0; URL=" . $phpself . "?page=1\">";    
		if($_GET['page'] == "")
			$page = 1;
			echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Refresh\" Content=\"0; URL=" . $phpself . "?page=1\">";    
	} else {
		$page = 1;	

//Set limit value//
	$limit = ($page - 1) * $per_page; //$per_page is set in main.php as 10

//----Build News Block----//

//Get News Block Info//
	$sqlCommand = "SELECT * FROM news_block LIMIT 1";
	$query = mysqli_query(ConnectToMYSQLI(), $sqlCommand) or die("Error Getting News Block: " . mysqli_error());
	while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($query)) { 
		$NewsBlockTitle = $row["Block_Title"];

//Echo The Block Title//
	echo "<!-- News Block -->\n";
	echo "<h1>";
	echo $NewsBlockTitle;
	echo "</h1>\n";
	echo "<br />\n";

//----Get & display News Items----//

//Get News//
	$sqlCommand = "SELECT * FROM news ORDER BY Date DESC LIMIT $limit, $per_page"; //$per_page is set in main.php as 10
	$query = mysqli_query(ConnectToMYSQLI(), $sqlCommand) or die("Error Getting News Items: " . mysqli_error());
	while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($query)) { 
		$NewsTitle = $row["Title"];
		$NewsID = $row["ID"];
		$NewsAuthID = $row["Author_ID"];

//Get Author Name//

$NewsAuthorName = GetAuthorNameFunction($NewsAuthID);

		$NewsDate = date("d/m/Y", strtotime($row["Date"]));
		$NewsBody1 = $row["Body"];
		$NewsBody1 = wordwrap($NewsBody1, 110, "\r\n", true);
//Limit body characters//
		if (strlen($NewsBody1) >= 1000)
			$NewsBody2 = substr($NewsBody1,0,1000);
			$NewsBody2 .= " ..... <a href=\"news.php?id=" . $NewsID . "\">(Read More)</a>";
		} else {
			$NewsBody2 = $NewsBody1;
//Get Comment Count//
	$sqlCommand2 = "SELECT News_ID FROM news_comments WHERE News_ID='$NewsID'";
	$query2 = mysqli_query(ConnectToMYSQLI(), $sqlCommand2) or die("Error Getting Comment Count: " . mysqli_error());
	$CommentsCount = mysqli_num_rows($query2);

//Build News Blocks//	
	$newsBody .= "<div class=\"sub_title\">\n";
	$newsBody .= "<span><a href=\"news.php?id=" . $NewsID . "\">" . $NewsTitle . "</a></span>\n";
	$newsBody .= "<div class=\"divider2\"></div>\n";
	$newsBody .= "<span class=\"span_right\">" . $NewsAuthorName . "</span>\n";
	$newsBody .= "<div class=\"divider2\"></div>\n";
	$newsBody .= "<span class=\"span_right\"> " . $NewsDate ."</span> \n";
	$newsBody .= "<div class=\"divider2\"></div>\n";
	$newsBody .= " <span class=\"span_right\"><a href=\"news.php?id=" . $NewsID . "#comments\">Comments (" . $CommentsCount .")</a></span>\n";
	$newsBody .= "</div>\n";
	$newsBody .= "<div class=\"news_wrapper\">";
	$newsBody .= "<p>";
	$newsBody .= $NewsBody2;
	$newsBody .= "</p>\n";
	$newsBody .= "</div>";
	$newsBody .= "<br />";

//Echo the news//
	echo $newsBody;
	echo "<br />\n";

//----Page Numbering----//

	if(($numrows - $per_page) < 1)
//If only 1 page of news//
		echo "<center>";
		echo "Page 1 of 1\n";
		echo "<br />";	
		echo "<br />";	
		echo "</center>";	
	} else {
//Build page numbering//
		echo "<center>";
		echo "Page $page of $total_pages\n";
		echo "<br />";
		echo "<table width=\"250\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\">\n";
		echo "<tr>\n";
		echo "<td width=\"125\">\n";
//Build first and previous buttons//
		if ($page != 1)
			echo " <a href='" . $phpself . "?page=1'  >&laquo;&laquo; First </a>  ";	
			$prev = $page - 1;
			echo " <a href='" . $phpself . "?page=" . $prev . "'> &laquo; Previous </a> ";
//Build middle divider//
		if (($page != 1) && ($page != $total_pages))
			echo " |";	
	echo "</td>\n";
	echo "<td width=\"125\">\n";
//Build middle divider//
		if (($page != 1) && ($page != $total_pages))
			echo "| ";	
//Build last and next buttons//
		if ($page != $total_pages)
			$next = $page + 1;
			echo " <a href='" . $phpself . "?page=" . $next . "' > Next &raquo; </a> "; 
			echo " <a href='" . $phpself . "?page=" . $total_pages . "' > Last &raquo;&raquo; </a> ";	
	echo "</td>\n";
	echo "</tr>\n";
	echo "</table>\n";
//Build page numbers//
					echo " | <a href='" . $phpself . "?page=" . $i . "'>" . $i. "</a> | ";	
					echo " | <a href='" . $phpself . "?page=" . $i . "'><u><b>" . $i. "</b></u></a> | ";

			echo "<br />";
			echo "</center>";
} // End of "if(($numrows - $per_page) < 1)"//
	echo "<!-- End Of News Block -->\n";

If anyone can offer any help i would be very happy as i have been looking for ages.


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