I have a ASP.NET snippet where I would like xsl to apply to the xml. For some reason, I get runtime errors when I use TransformFile to try and transform the xml. Here is the aspx,

<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data" %>

<form runat="server">
          <asp:Repeater ID="myMusic" runat="server" DataSourceID="XmlDataSource1">
                <table class="songs">
                        <th width="35%">Title</th>
                    <td><%# XPath("title")%></td>
        <asp:XmlDataSource ID="XmlDataSource1" runat="server" DataFile="alice_music_list.xml" TransformFile="cd_collection.xsl"         XPath="/music_songs/song" />

Can anyone please provide some pointers on why TransformFile does not work?
Thanks for your help.

Well, I read the two links you sent, but I am not sure if this applies to my situation. My XML does display correctly when I have the XML and XSL attached withouut ASP.NET, so I don't thinn tk my XPath declarations on my XSL is a problem.

I ran the app again, and now I do get some things from my XSL, but I don't get any content regarding anything I have indicated in my XPath, even though I have declared them in XSL and indicated them in my ASP.NET page.

This is the portion of the code that I have now on display:

                <table class="songs">
                        <th width="35%">Title</th>
                        <th width="25%">Album</th>
                        <th width="20%">Artist</th>
                        <th width="20%">Date</th>

What I don't have:

                <tr title='<%# XPath("category")%>'>
                    <td><%# XPath("title")%></td>
                    <td><%# XPath("album")%></td>
                    <td><%# XPath("artist")%></td>
                    <td><%# XPath("date/@added")%></td>

Is there something going on in my ASP.NET, that my XML does display correctly with its XSL attached?

Thanks for your help.

can i see ur XSL?

Oh, I just figured out that I am supposed to do the xsl:sort before anything is processed.

Here it is:

<xsl:apply-templates select="music_songs/song">
                      <xsl:sort select="title"/>
                      <xsl:sort select="artist"/>

Everything is working now. Thanks.

Oh, I just figured out that I am supposed to do the xsl:sort before anything is processed.

Here it is:

<xsl:apply-templates select="music_songs/song">
                      <xsl:sort select="title"/>
                      <xsl:sort select="artist"/>

Everything is working now. Thanks.

dnt thank me, thank your self.. :)

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