I have problems with this part of my code, I try to make a dynamic email and send it, I already can send a plain email with this but now I need to make an email with personalized info.

I hope you guys can take a quick look.

$smtp -> setBody("
<tr align='center'>
<td width='50%' bgcolor='#E4028C'><strong>Detalles de incumplimiento</strong></td>
<td width='20%' bgcolor='#E4028C'><strong>L&iacute;mite</strong></td>
<td width='30%' bgcolor='#E4028C'><strong>Comentario</strong></tr>
$color1 = '#d74119';
$color2 = '#c5281c';
$row_count = 0;

while($row_incumplimientos_caso = mysql_fetch_array($result_incumplimientos_caso))
$row_color = ($row_count % 2) ? $color1 : $color2;
<td bgcolor='`".echo $row_color;."`'>
`".echo $row_incumplimientos_caso['0'];."`<br />
`".echo $row_incumplimientos_caso['1'];."`<br /><br />
Cargo por incumplimiento <b>`".echo '$' . $row_incumplimientos_caso['3'] . 'USD';."`</b>
<td bgcolor=`".echo $row_color;."` align='center'>`".echo $row_incumplimientos_caso['2'];."`<br /></td>
<td bgcolor=`".echo $row_color;."`>`".echo $row_incumplimientos_caso["4"];."`</td>

What exactly is your problem - that wasn't really clear. What is and isn't working, and what did you need help with?

One thing I notice right off the bat is that it looks to me like you are echoing data out to the browser that you are probably intending on putting into a variable to use as the message's body.

Hi SikoSoft I'm sorry if i not explain very well, I'm trying yo put all that HTML code into a variable and then send it as an email but I have several parse errors but I don't understand what happens.

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Hi SikoSoft I'm sorry if i not explain very well, I'm trying yo put all that HTML code into a variable and then send it as an email but I have several parse errors but I don't understand what happens.

... that you build the html code separately, and display it as a HTML page. View source as needed. THEN you can worry about the mailing.

thanks everyone, the problem was the concatenation but is now fixed

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