I have script below that scans a folder and lists the contents into a drop down box. What I want to do is then select the file and press the delete button. Which removes the file from the folder. I do realise you can use unlink to remove the file, but I am not totally sure how to incorporate this into the script.
Any help would be appreciated.
<h2>Delete existing File</h2>
<p><select name="id"></p>
<option value="">-- Choose a file --</option>
echo "<form>";
//Looks into the directory and returns the files, no subdirectories
echo "<select name='yourfiles'>";
//The path to the file directory
$dirpath = "uploads";
$dh = opendir($dirpath);
while (false !== ($file = readdir($dh))) {
//Don't list subdirectories
if (!is_dir("$dirpath/$file")) {
//Truncate the file extension and capitalize the first letter
echo "<option value='$file'>" . htmlspecialchars(ucfirst(preg_replace('/\..*$/', '', $file))) . '</option>';}
echo "</select></p>";
echo '<p><input type="submit" value="Delete" class="submit" />';
echo "</form>";