this may seem a tad stupid but i've been googling for about half an hour and still no clarity - basically i have an animated gif called processing.gif

i would like this gif to display in full screen for about 5 secs or so and then redirect to my home page.

Whilst the image is displaying a mysql query will be performed in the background. i have all my other code working but i cannot figure out this animated gif issue can someone please help me out :(


you can refrece your page after 5 sec

<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="5;URL=homegage.html


display the gif as any picture, you can't resize it because gif is een bitmap

still cant get image to display, have tried

<img src="" alt="Updating" />

outside of php tags but not working

redirect is fine now thanks pzuurveen - if only i can get this image thing sorted! :(

my redirect is now

echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"5;url=$pathdirectory\" />";

please help with the image guys please.....

ok managed to get the animated gif to display - is there a way to center the image and resize it?

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