mar06 0 Newbie Poster

Hi all,

Thanks for taking the time to read my post.

I've got a complex SQL query that outputs categories, their related categories, and product name(s) and image(s) related to the main category.

To resolve cross-join effects, i was advised to use group_concat on product information at the end of the table, so it bases the products on the main categories and not the related categories, which works brilliantly.

My query:

SELECT cat.categoryName AS categoryName     , cat.categoryDescription     , cat.categoryImage     , subcat.categoryName AS subcategoryName     , subcat.categoryDescription AS subcategoryDescription     , subcat.categoryImage AS subcategoryImage     , p.product_names AS productname     , p.product_images AS productimages  FROM category AS catLEFT OUTER   JOIN subCategory     ON subCategory.parentID = cat.categoryIDLEFT OUTER   JOIN category AS subcat     ON subcat.categoryID = subCategory.categoryIDLEFT OUTER   JOIN ( SELECT categoryproduct.categoryID              , GROUP_CONCAT(product.productName) AS product_names, GROUP_CONCAT(product.productImage) AS product_images           FROM categoryproduct          INNER            JOIN product              ON categoryproduct.productID = product.productID         GROUP             BY categoryproduct.categoryID       ) AS p    ON p.categoryID = cat.categoryIDORDER     BY cat.categoryName     , subcat.categoryName

which outputs:

category_name, related_category, productname, productimages

category1 | category3 | NULL | NULL
category2 | NULL | product1 | prod1imageurl
category3 | category1 | NULL | NULL
category4 | category1 | product2,product3,product4 | prod2imageurl,prod3imageurl,prod4imageurl
category4 | category2 | product2,product3,product4 | prod2imageurl,prod3imageurl,prod4imageurl
category4 | category3 | product2,product3,product4 | prod2imageurl,prod3imageurl,prod4imageurl

My PHP Code:

<?php header("Content-type: text/xml"); $xml_output = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n";  $xml_output .= "<categories>\n";  dbConnect(); $result = mysql_query(" SELECT cat.categoryName AS categoryName      , cat.categoryDescription      , cat.categoryImage      , subcat.categoryName AS subcategoryName      , subcat.categoryDescription AS subcategoryDescription      , subcat.categoryImage AS subcategoryImage      , p.product_names AS products      , p.product_images AS productimages   FROM category AS cat LEFT OUTER    JOIN subCategory      ON subCategory.parentID = cat.categoryID LEFT OUTER    JOIN category AS subcat      ON subcat.categoryID = subCategory.categoryID LEFT OUTER    JOIN ( SELECT categoryproduct.categoryID               , GROUP_CONCAT(product.productName) AS product_names, GROUP_CONCAT(product.productImage) AS product_images            FROM categoryproduct           INNER             JOIN product               ON categoryproduct.productID = product.productID          GROUP              BY categoryproduct.categoryID        ) AS p     ON p.categoryID = cat.categoryID ORDER      BY cat.categoryName      , subcat.categoryName "); $previousCategory = ""; $previousSubCategory = ""; $previousPath = ""; $paths = ""; $ymal = ""; while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))  {            if ($row['categoryName'] != $previousCategory) {           if ($previousCategory != "") {             $paths .= "</paths>";             $ymal .= "</ymal>";             $xml_output .= $ymal . "</category>";                      $paths = '';             $ymal = '';               }         $xml_output .= "<category>";         $xml_output .= "<title>" . $row['categoryName'] . "</title>";         //$xml_output .= "<description><![CDATA[" . $row['categoryDescription'] . "]]></description>";         $xml_output .= "<image>" . $row['categoryImage'] . "</image>";         $paths = "<paths>";         $ymal = "<ymal>";     }     if ($row['products'] != $previousPath) {      $paths .= "<opt>";     [b]$productname = explode(',', $row['products']);     $productimage = explode(',', $row['productimages']);     $paths .= "<id>" . $productname[1] . "</id>";     $paths .= "<image>" . $productimage[1] . "</image>";[/b]         $paths .= "</opt>";     }     if ($row['subcategoryName'] != $previousSubCategory) {     $ymal .= "<opt>";     $ymal .= "<id>" . $row['subcategoryName'] . "</id>";     $ymal .= "<title>" . $row['subcategoryName'] . "</title>";     $ymal .= "<image>" . $row['subcategoryImage'] . "</image>";     $ymal .= "</opt>";     } $previousCategory = $row['categoryName'];  $previousSubCategory = $row['subcategoryName'];  $previousPath = $row['products'];  } if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {     $xml_output .= $paths;     $xml_output .= "</paths>";     $xml_output .= $ymal;     $xml_output .= "</ymal>";     $xml_output .= "</category>";          }   dbClose(); $xml_output .= "</categories>";  echo $xml_output; ?>

I'm outputting to XML, so would need the array of both product name and image to be displayed as:

- <paths>- <opt><id>product</id><image>product</image> </opt>- <opt><id>product</id><image>product</image> </opt>- <opt><id>product</id><image>product</image> </opt></paths>

I've tried to output both, but it ends up not displaying any XML. Could anyone help me to output both group_concat arrays under each XML please?

This is the last thing to do, and then this project is finished. Thanks very much for your time.


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