So this is the scenario. I provide a link to an Excel file. All the users are intranet user, so security is not a concern here. When the user clicks the link, it will pop up dialog to open/save with Microsoft Excel. Users are currently able to open file correctly. However, I want the user to be able to directly modify and update the excel file. Currently, only I (the owner) can update the excel file, the other will only get read-only copy. Saving the read-only excel file to that folder will generate error: "Folder is marked as read only". Trying to uncheck the read-only flag (using Windows Explorer) doesn't do anything, since it will revert back to it's greyed-out state. How do I grant write permission to everyone so that they are able to directly modify the excel file?
The link appears like: file://inetpub/wwwroot/<directory>/excelfile.xlsx
That link is openable using IE. Firefox won't do anything. So if someone could give a solution to that, that would solve another problem.
Thanks a lot
Server environment: PHP 5.2, IIS 6, SQL SERVER 2008, Windows Server 2008. Not a good development environment, I know. But I'm working for a company.