
i looking to find what would be the best cms + modules to host a kind of freeware site like the following http://www.androidfreeware.org/ where users can upload apps, search for apps, detailed list of apps, category etc etc.

I know literally any cms can be used, i mostly want to know what would be the fastest, easiest and most productive route regarding modules, add-ons...

Any help appreciated.


73 views no reply? :(

I'm not looking for ratings of those cms. I am looking for the best cms to do the job explained in my first post, any cms would actually work, its more the module that will make the job much easier. Main functions: Users able to upload software, Software is viewed with icon and description also it must be categorised, Software must be searchable, etc etc...

But thanks for at least trying rajarajan...

well I found this http://drupal.org/node/187454 , I'm going forth with that, if any of you know of a system that would work better don't hesitate to post ;)

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