Any idea why the iFrame resize code would stop working when I copy the code over to another page? It works fine here: But when I copy the code over to another page ( in it's entirity, and just change the urls, it stops working?

Actually, the resize logic is working - but it is resizing to the wrong value(s).

The problem is that the <iframe> is loaded with two <embed>s, each having a height of 505.

The total height of the <iframe> should thus be (roughly) 1010, but the height reported to the resize logic is only 505 [the size of a single <embed>].

This suggests that the markup of the container of the <embed>s is so screwed up that the height of the page is miscalculated - even though the rendering engine makes a reasonable layout from the mess.

I may have time on Tue or Wed to look into this.

I may have time on Tue or Wed to look into this.

This complete replacement for video_latest.php

<html xmlns="" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
    <meta name="generator" content=
    "HTML Tidy for Windows (vers 25 March 2009), see" />
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content=
    "text/html; charset=us-ascii" />
      RJ Thompson - Latest Videos
    <link href="css/rjt_new.css" rel="stylesheet" type=
    "text/css" /><!--[if IE 5]>
<style type="text/css"> 
/* place css box model fixes for IE 5* in this conditional comment */
.twoColFixRtHdr #sidebar1 { width: 220px; }
<![endif]--><!--[if IE]>
<style type="text/css"> 
/* place css fixes for all versions of IE in this conditional comment */
.twoColFixRtHdr #sidebar1 { padding-top: 30px; }
.twoColFixRtHdr #mainContent { zoom: 1; }
/* the above proprietary zoom property gives IE the hasLayout it needs to avoid several bugs */
div#signup {padding: -2px 0px 0px 0px;}
  <body style="background-color:#FFF">
          <table width="640px" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
              <th width="640px">
                <object width="640" height="505">
                  <param name="movie" value=
                  ";hl=en_GB&amp;fs=1&amp;" />
                  <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" />
                  <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" />
                  <embed src=
                  allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"
                  width="640" height="505" />
          <table style="border:thin #000 dotted;" width="280px"
          cellspacing="1px" align="center">
              <th width="10px" height="15px"></th>
              <th width="260px"></th>
              <th width="10px"></th>
            <tr style="text-align:left; font-size:17px">
              <th width="10px"></th>
              <th align="left">
                  <span class="storemenulinks">VIDEO DETAILS
              <th width="10px"></th>
              <th width="10px" height="15px"></th>
              <th width="260px"></th>
              <th width="10px"></th>
            <tr style="text-align:left;">
              <th width="10px"></th>
              <th align="left">
                  <span class="instructiontext">TITLE:</span>
              <th width="10px"></th>
              <th width="10px" height="5px"></th>
              <th width="260px"></th>
              <th width="10px"></th>
              <th width="10px"></th>
              <th width="260px" align="left">
                <span class="instructiontext" color="#333333">"A
                Better Life (Music Video)"</span>
              <th width="10px"></th>
              <th width="10px" height="15px"></th>
              <th width="260px"></th>
              <th width="10px"></th>
            <tr style="text-align:left;">
              <th width="10px"></th>
              <th align="left">
                  <span class="instructiontext">DESCRIPTION:</span>
              <th width="10px"></th>
              <th width="10px" height="5px"></th>
              <th width="260px"></th>
              <th width="10px"></th>
              <th width="10px"></th>
              <th width="260px" align="left">
                <span class="instructiontext" color="#333333">The
                music video to new single "A Better Life", filmed
                and directed by Luke McIlveen and Ed
              <th width="10px"></th>
              <th width="10px" height="15px"></th>
              <th width="260px"></th>
              <th width="10px"></th>
            <tr style="text-align:left;">
              <th width="10px"></th>
              <th align="left">
                  <span class="instructiontext">UPLOAD DATE:</span>
              <th width="10px"></th>
              <th width="10px" height="5px"></th>
              <th width="260px"></th>
              <th width="10px"></th>
              <th width="10px"></th>
              <th width="260px" align="left">
                <span class="instructiontext" color=
                "#333333">Insert date here</span>
              <th width="10px"></th>
              <th width="10px" height="15px"></th>
              <th width="260px"></th>
              <th width="10px"></th>
            <tr style="text-align:left;">
              <th width="10px"></th>
              <th align="left">
                  <span class="instructiontext">SHARE VIDEO
              <th width="10px"></th>
              <th width="10px" height="5px"></th>
              <th width="260px"></th>
              <th width="10px"></th>
              <th width="10px"></th>
              <th width="260px" align="left">
                <div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style">
                  <a class="addthis_button_facebook" addthis:url=
                  ""></a> <a class=
                  "addthis_button_myspace" addthis:url=
                  ""></a> <a class=
                  "addthis_button_twitter" addthis:url=
                  ""></a> <a class=
                  "addthis_button_googlebuzz" addthis:url=
                  ""></a> <a class=
                  "addthis_button_email" addthis:url=
                  ""></a> <a href=
                  <a class="addthis_button_facebook_like"
                  <script type="text/javascript" src=
              <th width="10px"></th>
              <th width="10px" height="15px"></th>
              <th width="260px"></th>
              <th width="10px"></th>
      </tr><!--gap between videos-->
          <table width="100%" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
              <th height="20px"></th>
        <!--end gap between videos-->
          <table width="640px" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
              <th width="640px">
                <object width="640" height="505">
                  <param name="movie" value=
                  ";hl=en_GB&amp;fs=1&amp;" />
                  <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" />
                  <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" />
                  <embed src=
                  allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"
                  width="640" height="505" />
          <table style="border:thin #000 dotted;" width="280px"
          cellspacing="1px" align="center">
              <th width="10px" height="15px"></th>
              <th width="260px"></th>
              <th width="10px"></th>
            <tr style="text-align:left; font-size:17px">
              <th width="10px"></th>
              <th align="left">
                  <span class="storemenulinks">VIDEO DETAILS
              <th width="10px"></th>
              <th width="10px" height="15px"></th>
              <th width="260px"></th>
              <th width="10px"></th>
            <tr style="text-align:left;">
              <th width="10px"></th>
              <th align="left">
                  <span class="instructiontext">TITLE:</span>
              <th width="10px"></th>
              <th width="10px" height="5px"></th>
              <th width="260px"></th>
              <th width="10px"></th>
              <th width="10px"></th>
              <th width="260px" align="left">
                <span class="instructiontext" color="#333333">"A
                Better Life (Music Video)"</span>
              <th width="10px"></th>
              <th width="10px" height="15px"></th>
              <th width="260px"></th>
              <th width="10px"></th>
            <tr style="text-align:left;">
              <th width="10px"></th>
              <th align="left">
                  <span class="instructiontext">DESCRIPTION:</span>
              <th width="10px"></th>
              <th width="10px" height="5px"></th>
              <th width="260px"></th>
              <th width="10px"></th>
              <th width="10px"></th>
              <th width="260px" align="left">
                <span class="instructiontext" color="#333333">The
                music video to new single "A Better Life", filmed
                and directed by Luke McIlveen and Ed
              <th width="10px"></th>
              <th width="10px" height="15px"></th>
              <th width="260px"></th>
              <th width="10px"></th>
            <tr style="text-align:left;">
              <th width="10px"></th>
              <th align="left">
                  <span class="instructiontext">UPLOAD DATE:</span>
              <th width="10px"></th>
              <th width="10px" height="5px"></th>
              <th width="260px"></th>
              <th width="10px"></th>
              <th width="10px"></th>
              <th width="260px" align="left">
                <span class="instructiontext" color=
                "#333333">Insert date here</span>
              <th width="10px"></th>
              <th width="10px" height="15px"></th>
              <th width="260px"></th>
              <th width="10px"></th>
            <tr style="text-align:left;">
              <th width="10px"></th>
              <th align="left">
                  <span class="instructiontext">SHARE VIDEO
              <th width="10px"></th>
              <th width="10px" height="5px"></th>
              <th width="260px"></th>
              <th width="10px"></th>
              <th width="10px"></th>
              <th width="260px" align="left">
                <div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style">
                  <a class="addthis_button_facebook" addthis:url=
                  ""></a> <a class=
                  "addthis_button_myspace" addthis:url=
                  ""></a> <a class=
                  "addthis_button_twitter" addthis:url=
                  ""></a> <a class=
                  "addthis_button_googlebuzz" addthis:url=
                  ""></a> <a class=
                  "addthis_button_email" addthis:url=
                  ""></a> <a href=
                  <a class="addthis_button_facebook_like"
                  <script type="text/javascript" src=
              <th width="10px"></th>
              <th width="10px" height="15px"></th>
              <th width="260px"></th>
              <th width="10px"></th>

should cure the resize problem. Assuming that it does, the other video pages must be restructured in the same way.

Note: any CSS or alignment broken by my quick-and-dirty fix should be repairable.

Also: the markup you have used to embed the <object>s is probably not compatible with 'all' browsers.

Righteo, I've restructed using that code, but the resize still doesn't work.

Plus there are a few minor issues to be worked out to do with the layout.

resize still doesn't work.

This version of video_latest.php

<html xmlns="" lang="en" xml:lang="en"> 
    <meta name="generator" content=
    "HTML Tidy for Windows (vers 25 March 2009), see" /> 
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content=
    "text/html; charset=us-ascii" /> 
      RJ Thompson - Latest Videos
    <link href="css/rjt_new.css" rel="stylesheet" type=
    "text/css" /><!--[if IE 5]>
<style type="text/css"> 
/* place css box model fixes for IE 5* in this conditional comment */
.twoColFixRtHdr #sidebar1 { width: 220px; }
<![endif]--><!--[if IE]>
<style type="text/css"> 
/* place css fixes for all versions of IE in this conditional comment */
.twoColFixRtHdr #sidebar1 { padding-top: 30px; }
.twoColFixRtHdr #mainContent { zoom: 1; }
/* the above proprietary zoom property gives IE the hasLayout it needs to avoid several bugs */
div#signup {padding: -2px 0px 0px 0px;}
  <body style="background-color:#FFF"> 
          <table width="640px" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> 
              <td height="505px" width="640px"> 
                  <param name="movie" value=
                  ";hl=en_GB&amp;fs=1&amp;" /> 
                  <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /> 
                  <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /> 
                  <embed src=
                  allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"
                  width="640" height="505" /> 
          <table style="border:thin #000 dotted;" width="280px"
          cellspacing="1px" align="center"> 
              <td width="10px" height="15px"></td> 
              <td width="260px"></td> 
              <td width="10px"></td> 
            <tr style="text-align:left; font-size:17px"> 
              <td width="10px"></td> 
              <td align="left"> 
                  <span class="storemenulinks">VIDEO DETAILS
              <td width="10px"></td> 
              <td width="10px" height="15px"></td> 
              <td width="260px"></td> 
              <td width="10px"></td> 
            <tr style="text-align:left;"> 
              <td width="10px"></td> 
              <td align="left"> 
                  <span class="instructiontext">TITLE:</span> 
              <td width="10px"></td> 
              <td width="10px" height="5px"></td> 
              <td width="260px"></td> 
              <td width="10px"></td> 
              <td width="10px"></td> 
              <td width="260px" align="left"> 
                <span class="instructiontext" color="#333333">"A
                Better Life (Music Video)"</span> 
              <td width="10px"></td> 
              <td width="10px" height="15px"></td> 
              <td width="260px"></td> 
              <td width="10px"></td> 
            <tr style="text-align:left;"> 
              <td width="10px"></td> 
              <td align="left"> 
                  <span class="instructiontext">DESCRIPTION:</span> 
              <td width="10px"></td> 
              <td width="10px" height="5px"></td> 
              <td width="260px"></td> 
              <td width="10px"></td> 
              <td width="10px"></td> 
              <td width="260px" align="left"> 
                <span class="instructiontext" color="#333333">The
                music video to new single "A Better Life", filmed
                and directed by Luke McIlveen and Ed
              <td width="10px"></td> 
              <td width="10px" height="15px"></td> 
              <td width="260px"></td> 
              <td width="10px"></td> 
            <tr style="text-align:left;"> 
              <td width="10px"></td> 
              <td align="left"> 
                  <span class="instructiontext">UPLOAD DATE:</span> 
              <td width="10px"></td> 
              <td width="10px" height="5px"></td> 
              <td width="260px"></td> 
              <td width="10px"></td> 
              <td width="10px"></td> 
              <td width="260px" align="left"> 
                <span class="instructiontext" color=
                "#333333">Insert date here</span> 
              <td width="10px"></td> 
              <td width="10px" height="15px"></td> 
              <td width="260px"></td> 
              <td width="10px"></td> 
            <tr style="text-align:left;"> 
              <td width="10px"></td> 
              <td align="left"> 
                  <span class="instructiontext">SHARE VIDEO
              <td width="10px"></td> 
              <td width="10px" height="5px"></td> 
              <td width="260px"></td> 
              <td width="10px"></td> 
              <td width="10px"></td> 
              <td width="260px" align="left"> 
                <div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style"> 
                  <a class="addthis_button_facebook" addthis:url=
                  ""></a> <a class=
                  "addthis_button_myspace" addthis:url=
                  ""></a> <a class=
                  "addthis_button_twitter" addthis:url=
                  ""></a> <a class=
                  "addthis_button_googlebuzz" addthis:url=
                  ""></a> <a class=
                  "addthis_button_email" addthis:url=
                  ""></a> <a href=
                  <a class="addthis_button_facebook_like"
                  <script type="text/javascript" src=
              <td width="10px"></td> 
              <td width="10px" height="15px"></td> 
              <td width="260px"></td> 
              <td width="10px"></td> 
      </tr><!--gap between videos--> 
          <table width="100%" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> 
              <td height="20px"></td> 
        <!--end gap between videos--> 
          <table width="640px" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> 
              <td height="505px" width="640px"> 
                  <param name="movie" value=
                  ";hl=en_GB&amp;fs=1&amp;" /> 
                  <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /> 
                  <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /> 
                  <embed src=
                  allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"
                  width="640" height="505" /> 
          <table style="border:thin #000 dotted;" width="280px"
          cellspacing="1px" align="center"> 
              <td width="10px" height="15px"></td> 
              <td width="260px"></td> 
              <td width="10px"></td> 
            <tr style="text-align:left; font-size:17px"> 
              <td width="10px"></td> 
              <td align="left"> 
                  <span class="storemenulinks">VIDEO DETAILS
              <td width="10px"></td> 
              <td width="10px" height="15px"></td> 
              <td width="260px"></td> 
              <td width="10px"></td> 
            <tr style="text-align:left;"> 
              <td width="10px"></td> 
              <td align="left"> 
                  <span class="instructiontext">TITLE:</span> 
              <td width="10px"></td> 
              <td width="10px" height="5px"></td> 
              <td width="260px"></td> 
              <td width="10px"></td> 
              <td width="10px"></td> 
              <td width="260px" align="left"> 
                <span class="instructiontext" color="#333333">"A
                Better Life (Music Video)"</span> 
              <td width="10px"></td> 
              <td width="10px" height="15px"></td> 
              <td width="260px"></td> 
              <td width="10px"></td> 
            <tr style="text-align:left;"> 
              <td width="10px"></td> 
              <td align="left"> 
                  <span class="instructiontext">DESCRIPTION:</span> 
              <td width="10px"></td> 
              <td width="10px" height="5px"></td> 
              <td width="260px"></td> 
              <td width="10px"></td> 
              <td width="10px"></td> 
              <td width="260px" align="left"> 
                <span class="instructiontext" color="#333333">The
                music video to new single "A Better Life", filmed
                and directed by Luke McIlveen and Ed
              <td width="10px"></td> 
              <td width="10px" height="15px"></td> 
              <td width="260px"></td> 
              <td width="10px"></td> 
            <tr style="text-align:left;"> 
              <td width="10px"></td> 
              <td align="left"> 
                  <span class="instructiontext">UPLOAD DATE:</span> 
              <td width="10px"></td> 
              <td width="10px" height="5px"></td> 
              <td width="260px"></td> 
              <td width="10px"></td> 
              <td width="10px"></td> 
              <td width="260px" align="left"> 
                <span class="instructiontext" color=
                "#333333">Insert date here</span> 
              <td width="10px"></td> 
              <td width="10px" height="15px"></td> 
              <td width="260px"></td> 
              <td width="10px"></td> 
            <tr style="text-align:left;"> 
              <td width="10px"></td> 
              <td align="left"> 
                  <span class="instructiontext">SHARE VIDEO
              <td width="10px"></td> 
              <td width="10px" height="5px"></td> 
              <td width="260px"></td> 
              <td width="10px"></td> 
              <td width="10px"></td> 
              <td width="260px" align="left"> 
                <div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style"> 
                  <a class="addthis_button_facebook" addthis:url=
                  ""></a> <a class=
                  "addthis_button_myspace" addthis:url=
                  ""></a> <a class=
                  "addthis_button_twitter" addthis:url=
                  ""></a> <a class=
                  "addthis_button_googlebuzz" addthis:url=
                  ""></a> <a class=
                  "addthis_button_email" addthis:url=
                  ""></a> <a href=
                  <a class="addthis_button_facebook_like"
                  <script type="text/javascript" src=
              <td width="10px"></td> 
              <td width="10px" height="15px"></td> 
              <td width="260px"></td> 
              <td width="10px"></td> 

cleans up some more problems.

If it still doesn't work please contact me by email.

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