how do i display the inserted record in gridview in when i click on button..?
GridView1.DataSource = a.filldata("insert into student(Roll_no,Name,Age,Education,Mobile)values("+txtrollno.Text +",'"+txtname.Text +"',"+txtage.Text +",'"+txtedu.Text +"',"+txtmb.Text+")");
i want it should be display right now at runtime record should be added....and displayed...
and i also get and error of "," i dont know how...and its of nonexecutequery()
update := GridView1.DataSource = a.filldata("update student set Roll_no="+txtrollno.Text +"where Roll_no=" + txtrollno.Text + ",Name='" + txtname.Text + "',Age=" + txtage.Text + ",Education='" + txtedu.Text + "',Mobile=" + txtmb.Text + ")");
plzz help...