I have some data encrypted with MD5CryptoServiceProvider. I need code for decrpyting.

MD5 is a Hashing algorithm..

once your string is encrypted , you can not decrypt string..

MD5,SHA series is one way road, but if u succeed breaking in, do let me know :)

hope that helps

How can I get that data, can I use AES, SHA or other algorithm to secure and store data that I need to use at some time.

These days things are different..


while registering you store user password in MD5 format..
so in case anybody has access to database, won;t be able to make out password..

next thing..user comes to login page..

enters username and password now encrypt the password again using MD5

and validate against the database..

if it matches rock & roll..
else wrong password.

These days things are different..


while registering you store user password in MD5 format..
so in case anybody has access to database, won;t be able to make out password..

next thing..user comes to login page..

enters username and password now encrypt the password again using MD5

and validate against the database..

if it matches rock & roll..
else wrong password.

You are right, I didn't remember that. :( Thanks a lot, i need only to compare those two hashes. Thanks again.

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