Hi guys, I am developing an invoice project. I am calculating amount of each section and assigning in grand total. For multiple invoice body section, I am adding dynamic html code using jquery append function. I am successfully added section and removed. When I added new invoice body on click on some link then its amount added into grand amount. Problem I am facing is that when I remove that html code after filling amount then I could not able to subtrack amount of that section from grand amount. I have created a function "setAmountMinus" and called it on remove form field but unfortunately no success. I am getting that amount that I am subtracting.

Please suggest if you have any solution. Thanks in advance..

function setAmount(invoice_bodyid,removeid)
    var quan=document.frm.quantity.value;
    var up=document.frm.unit_price.value;

    if(quan!="" && up!="")
        var amt=quan*up;

            var amtnew=0; var grandtamt=0;

            for(var i=1;i<=invoice_bodyid;i++)
                var newquan=document.getElementById('quantity'+i).value;
                var newup=document.getElementById('unit_price'+i).value;    

                var tamt=document.getElementById('amount'+i).value;
                grandtamt= parseInt(grandtamt)+parseInt(tamt);

var invoice_bodyid_total=0;
// code for adding more form 
function addFormField() 
    var invoice_bodyid = document.getElementById("invoice_bodyid").value;

$("#divTxt").append("<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" id='invoicebody" + invoice_bodyid + "' align=\"center\" width=\"100%\" border=\"1\"><tr><td nowrap=\"nowrap\" width=\"30%\" class=\"admin_form_label\">Quantity : *</td><td class=\"admin_form_field\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"quantity"+invoice_bodyid+"\" id=\"quantity"+invoice_bodyid+"\" onblur='setAmount("+invoice_bodyid+");' /></td></tr><tr><td nowrap=\"nowrap\" width=\"30%\" class=\"admin_form_label\">Unit Price : *</td><td class=\"admin_form_field\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"unit_price"+invoice_bodyid+"\" id=\"unit_price"+invoice_bodyid+"\" class=\"unit_price\" onblur='setAmount("+invoice_bodyid+");' /></td></tr><tr><td nowrap=\"nowrap\" width=\"30%\" class=\"admin_form_label\">Amount :</td><td class=\"admin_form_field\" ><input type=\"text\" name=\"amount"+invoice_bodyid+"\" id=\"amount"+invoice_bodyid+"\" readonly=\"true\"/>   </td></tr><tr><td nowrap=\"nowrap\" width=\"30%\" class=\"admin_form_label\" colspan=\"2\" align=\"right\"><a href=\"#\" onClick='removeFormField(\"#invoicebody" + invoice_bodyid + "\","+ invoice_bodyid +"); return false;'>Remove</a></td></tr></table>");

    invoice_bodyid = (invoice_bodyid - 1) + 2;
    document.getElementById("invoice_bodyid").value = invoice_bodyid;

function setAmountMinus(invoice_bodyid,removeid)
        var amtnew=0; var grandtamt=0;
        for(var i=1;i<=invoice_bodyid;i++)
                // problem is here.. it could not found value of i
                var rnewquan=document.getElementById("quantity"+i).value;
                var rnewup=document.getElementById("unit_price"+i).value;
                var ramtnew=rnewquan*rnewup;

function removeFormField(invoice_bodyid, removeid) 
    // remove html section
    // minus the amount of removed block

First you remove the html, then you scan it for the amount. It would be wise to swap those two lines.

Thanks pritaeas,

Things working as it was a logical mistake..

Many thanks again

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