HI guys !!
I am new to jsp so pls do help me in solving this ..
I am getting error at the highlighted part as:
Syntax error,insert ": Expression" to complete Expression


UrlGen urlg = new UrlGen(request.getQueryString(), "UTF-8");
String url = "Contacts.jsp"+"?"+urlg;

<a href="[B]<%=url%>[/B]"><img src="images/hide.gif" border=0 align="middle">

UrlGen urlg = new UrlGen(request.getQueryString(), "UTF-8");
String url = "Contacts.jsp"+"?"+urlg;

<a href="<%=url%>"><img src="images/hide.gif" border=0 align="middle">

If that is the exact reproduction of your JSP file, then you are bound to get errors and tons of them cause, "---" is not valid Java syntax.
Remove all those hyphens ("-") and retry.

i have replaced jsp code with --- to avoid complexity !!
i am getting error at the highlighted part only !!
well thanks for replying :)

Ok ... If the JSP file is not too long could you post it ?
Cause I can't spot any reason for that error, from what has been posted.


Ya syntax is correct.
I restarted eclipse IDE and now its working fine.
Before ending with this syntax i tried many and saved.
But changes were not reflecting to jsp's,so restarted IDE.
So Ctrl+S is not sufficient to save changes done to jsp's ?

hey thanks for reply !!

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