dear all,

i have 2 tables. first table named std_table :

|  ID_std  |  std_1  | std_2  |  std_3  |  std_4  |  std_5  |
|    115   |    A    |    B   |    A    |    C    |    D    |

then i gave another table named cpr_table :

|  ID_cpr  |  ID_std  |  cpr_1  | cpr_2  |  cpr_3  |  cpr_4  |  cpr_5  |
|    123   |    115   |    A    |    C   |    A    |    D    |    D    |

i need a query to compare those two tables to have some result like this :

|  ID_cpr  |  ID_std  |  cpr_1  | cpr_2  |  cpr_3  |  cpr_4  |  cpr_5  | VALUE |
|    123   |    115   |    A    |    C   |    A    |    D    |    D    |  7,5  |

Value gets 7,5 because std_1 = cpr_1 ( i give 2,5 points ), std_2 != cpr_2 (i give 0 points), std_3 = cpr_3 ( i give 2,5 points ), std_4 != cpr_4 ( i give 0 points ) and std_5 = cpr_5 ( i give 2,5 points ).

what would it be for the expression? i use case expression but it didn't work.

i hope i could explain better. any sugestion for my problem?



You need to take it in steps

  1. Get values out of database and store it in appropriate object
  2. Make calculations
  3. Present result in final table

that's a great idea...
but peter, what kind of expression should i use for the first step?

best regards,


would you give me some examples for the first step with my problem?
i my mind comes this way. i create table output like this

| cpr   | Values |
| cpr_1 |  2,5   |
| cpr_2 |   0    |
| cpr_3 |  2,5   |
| cpr_4 |   0    |
| cpr_5 |  2,5   |

is it true?
what is the expression? i'm getting confuse...

please help..

best regards,

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