Hi everyone,
I have an issue with IE7 not responding as it should after a log-in to a website I built for a client. This same problem also affects the add to basket or add to wish-list functionality, the checkout process, and all other Ajax requests. Here is a breakdown of what happens...
1. User clicks on the "log-in" link.
2. Log-in page opens (new page).
3. User logs in (Ajax submission of credentials, page supposed to reload, but does not in IE7)
4. Log-in block is supposed to show user details now, but does not, because page did not refresh.
5. User presses Control+F5, and page now shows user logged in.
Now the user continues...
1. User adds item to basket (ajax request firing, and popup says "added to basket" but basket is not refreshed.
2. User presses Control+F5, basket is refreshed.
So, as far as I can tell, this seems to be sessions/ajax related, but I am not sure where to check - this works wonderfully well for all browsers except IE7.
Any advice please?
Thank you!