Hi I have a php code that uploads a file to mysql db then I detrmine the id of the last inserted file and download the file .e user is asked if he wants to save the file and then asked for te file name.
I want te php to automatically save the file and overrides the previous downloaded file.
Any advise will be apprecited.

If 1stfile upload = name.txt and 2ndfile upload=surname.txt.Surname.txt must overwrite name.txt.

    // Check if a file has been uploaded
     if(isset($_FILES['uploaded_file'])) {
     // Make sure the file was sent without errors
     if($_FILES['uploaded_file']['error'] == 0) {
         // Connect to the database
         $dbLink = new mysqli("","root","blabla",'blabla');//
         if(mysqli_connect_errno()) {
         die("MySQL connection failed: ". mysqli_connect_error());
         // Gather all required data

         $name = $dbLink->real_escape_string($_FILES['uploaded_file']['name']);
         $mime = $dbLink->real_escape_string($_FILES['uploaded_file']['type']);
         $data = $dbLink->real_escape_string(file_get_contents($_FILES  ['uploaded_file']['tmp_name']));
         $size = intval($_FILES['uploaded_file']['size']);
         // Create the SQL query
         $query = "INSERT INTO file (`name`,`mime`,`size`,`data`,`created`)
                   VALUES ('{$name}', '{$mime}', '{$size}', '{$data}', NOW())";
// Execute the query
$resulta = $dbLink->query($query);
$getid="SELECT id FROM file ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 1 ";
$result2 = $dbLink->query($getid);

// Close the mysql connection
{echo 'Error! A file was not sent!';}

// Make sure an ID was passed 

// Get the ID 
$id= $row1['id']; 

// Make sure the ID is in fact a valid ID 
if($id <= 0) { 
die('The ID is invalid!'); 
else { 
  // Connect to the database 
 $dbLink = new mysqli("","root","blabla",'blabla'); 
 if(mysqli_connect_errno()) { 
 die("MySQL connection failed: ". mysqli_connect_error()); 
// Fetch the file information 
$query = "SELECT `mime`, `name`, `size`, `data` 
FROM `file` 
WHERE `id` = {$id}"; 

if($resultb) {
// Make sure the result is valid 
if($resultb->num_rows == 1) {
$rowb =mysqli_fetch_assoc($resultb); 
// Print headers
header("Content-Type: ".$rowb['mime']);
header("Content-Length: ".$rowb['size']);
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".$rowb['name']);
// Print data
echo $rowb['data'];
else { 
echo 'Error! No image exists with that ID.'; 
// Free the mysqli resources 
else { echo "Error! Query failed: <pre>{$dbLink->error}</pre>"; } 
echo 'end';
echo $rowb['data'];

I want te php to automatically save the file and overrides the previous downloaded file.

This is not possible, because the download/overwrite is handled by the browser.


I want download test.txt file with this code.....i try it...but it is give a error code to me.....how to fix this this proplem? help me.....

**C:\wamp\www\make txt file\test.txt = this is my file '2kb'
** error = 
**Error! A file was not sent!
( ! ) Notice: Undefined variable: row1 in C:\wamp\www\make txt file\Auto download and Auto save .php on line 33
Call Stack

1   0.0298  149856  {main}( )   ..\Auto download and Auto save .php:0

The ID is invalid!

plz fill the code with my infomation.........

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