When customers submit bookings on my website http://www.n-v-m.co.uk/Booking.html most of the time the booking goes through fine but sometimes I get completely blank bookings sent through (even when I know the customer has filled the form out).
Does anybody know why this could be happening? It is a very rare problem which makes me think it may have something to do with internet settings on the customers computer
The php code I am using is displayed below:
$Name = $_POST['name']; //senders name
$to = "info@n-v-m.co.uk"; //recipient
$subject = "Order from ".$_POST['company']." (".$_POST['name'].")"; //subject
$message = $_POST['company']."|".$_POST['name']."|".$_POST['phonenum']."|".$_POST['email']."|".$_POST['vmam']."|".$_POST['vreg']."|".$_POST['colladd']."|".$_POST['collconname']."|".$_POST['collconnum']."|".$_POST['deladd']."|".$_POST['delconname']."|".$_POST['delconnum']."|".$_POST['collectiondt']."|".$_POST['deliverydt']."|".$_POST['Taxed']."|".$_POST['billadd']."|".$_POST['custordnum']."|".$_POST['addcom']; //mail body
$from = "NVM Booking Form"; //
$headers = "From: ".$from."\r\n"; //optional headerfields
mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); //mail command
header( 'Location: http://www.n-v-m.co.uk/Thankyou.html' ) ;
Any help would be much appreciated