I am new to PHP and really just troubleshooting a migration issue (moving from live working server to new server with this error). I'm not well versed in coding so I apologize in advance if I'm overlooking something stupid simple.
Here's the error:
Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /###/###/public_html/diss/modules/CMS/CMS_Class.php on line 134
Here's the code from line 134:
while ($block = mysql_fetch_assoc($blockresult)){
$blockid = $block['blockid'];
$blockorder = $block['blockorder'];
$typeid = $block['typeid'];
$title = $block['title'];
And lastly here is the entire code:
class CMS {
private $id; // page id
private $editable = FALSE;
public $title;
public $parentid;
public $pagetype;
public $meta_desc;
public $meta_keywords;
public function __construct($virtual_file = NULL) {
// use CMS to build page if we're loading page.php or virtual file is declared
$CMS = ($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] == '/page.php' || $virtual_file);
// if CMS, make sure the page even exists before continuing further
if ($CMS) {
if ($virtual_file)
$this->virtual_file = $virtual_file;
else {
$temp = explode('.', $_GET['id']);
$this->virtual_file = mysql_escape_string($temp[0]);
$sql = "SELECT pageid, pagetype, parentid, title, meta_desc, meta_keywords, access FROM pages WHERE virtualfile='{$this->virtual_file}'";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
if ( mysql_num_rows($result) ){
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
$this->id = $row['pageid'];
$this->title = $row['title'];
$this->pagetype = $row['pagetype'];
$this->parentid = $row['parentid'];
$this->meta_desc = $row['meta_desc'];
$this->meta_keywords = $row['meta_keywords'];
$this->access = $row['access'];
else {
global $Permissions, $User;
$this->editable = $Permissions->check('cms');
switch ($this->access) {
case 'cms': // permit only CMS admins
if ( !$this->editable )
header('Location: /index.html');
case 'user': // permit only logged-in users
if ( !$User->loggedIn() )
header('Location: /' . CMS_REDIRECT . '?reroute=' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] );
default: // allow everyone to pass
public function make_admin_bar($thisstyle = ''){
if (!$this->editable) return;
global $style;
if ($thisstyle) echo str_replace('{title}', ' ', $style[$thisstyle]['block_top']);
var editor_width = <?php echo EDITOR_WITDH; ?>;
var editor_height = screen.availHeight - 100;
<script src="cms/remote.js"></script>
<script src="cms/edit.js"></script>
<input type="button" class="cmsedit" value="Logout" onclick="logout(this);">
<input type="button" class="cmsedit" value="Admin" onclick="window.location.href='admin.html';">
<input type="button" class="cmsedit" value="Media" onclick="window.location.href='media.html';">
<input type="button" class="cmsedit" value="Edit Page Info" onclick="edit_page(<?php echo $this->id; ?>);">
<input type="button" class="cmsedit" value="Delete Page" onclick="del_page(this, <?php echo $this->id; ?>);">
<input type="button" class="cmsedit" value="New Page" onclick="new_page(<?php echo $this->id; ?>);">
if ($thisstyle) echo $style[$thisstyle]['block_bottom'];
public function make_links($location, $scope){
global $link;
if ($scope == 'thispage'){ // these links appear in this page only
if ($this->parentid) // if this is a child page
$query = "SELECT href, linkname FROM links WHERE location='$location' AND linkparent={$this->parentid} ORDER BY linkorder";
else // if this is top-level
$query = "SELECT href, linkname FROM links WHERE location='$location' AND linkparent={$this->id} ORDER BY linkorder";
else // these links appear in all pages
$query = "SELECT href, linkname FROM links WHERE location='$location' ORDER BY linkorder";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$numlinks = mysql_num_rows($result);
if (!$numlinks && !$this->editable) return;
echo $link[$location]['top'];
$counter = 0;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
if ($row['href'] == $this->virtual_file.'.html')
$string = str_replace('{linkname}', $row['linkname'], $link[$location]['link_item_current']);
$string = str_replace('{linkname}', $row['linkname'], $link[$location]['link_item']);
echo str_replace('{href}', $row['href'], $string);
if ($counter != $numlinks) echo $link[$location]['spacer'];
if ($this->editable)
echo "<input type=\"button\" value=\"Edit Links\" class=\"cmsedit\" onclick=\"editlinks({$this->id}, '$location', '$scope');\">";
echo $link[$location]['bottom'];
public function make_block($location, $bstyle, $scope){
global $style;
if ($scope == 'thispage') // this block appears in this page only
$blockquery = "SELECT * FROM blocks WHERE location='$location' AND pageid={$this->id} ORDER BY blockorder DESC";
else // this block appears in all pages
$blockquery = "SELECT * FROM blocks WHERE location='$location' ORDER BY blockorder DESC";
$blockresult = mysql_query($blockquery);
while ($block = mysql_fetch_assoc($blockresult)){
$blockid = $block['blockid'];
$blockorder = $block['blockorder'];
$typeid = $block['typeid'];
$title = $block['title'];
if ($title) {
$title = str_replace('{title}', $title, $style[$bstyle]['block_title']);
echo str_replace('{title}', $title, $style[$bstyle]['block_top']);
if ($this->editable) { ?>
<select class="cmsselect" onchange="pickoption(this, <?php echo $blockid; ?>, '');">
<option value="">BLOCK Options</option>
<optgroup label="New">
<option value="newsub">SubBlock</option>
<optgroup label="Edit">
<option value="editblocktitle">Title</option>
<optgroup label="Delete">
<option value="delblock">This Block</option>
<input type="button" class="cmsedit" value="Swap" onclick="reorder('blocks', <?php echo $blockid; ?>, <?php echo $blockorder; ?>, this);">
<br clear="all"></center>
<?php }
switch ($block['type']){
case 0:
$this->make_subblock($blockid, $bstyle);
case 1: // Forms
require_once( DIR_ROOT . 'modules/form/form_class.php' );
$form = new Form();
case 2: // Register
require_once( DIR_ROOT . 'modules/register/register_class.php' );
$register = new Register();
case 3: // Gallery of Media
require_once( DIR_ROOT . 'modules/gallery/gallery_class.php' );
new Gallery($typeid);
case 4: // Video Player
require_once( DIR_ROOT . 'modules/gallery/gallery_class.php' );
new Gallery($typeid);
case 5: // Login Form
require_once( DIR_ROOT . 'modules/login/user_utilities_class.php' );
case 6: // Change password form
require_once( DIR_ROOT . 'modules/login/user_utilities_class.php' );
case 7: // Reset password form
require_once( DIR_ROOT . 'modules/login/user_utilities_class.php' );
case 8: // Reset password confirm
require_once( DIR_ROOT . 'modules/login/user_utilities_class.php' );
echo $style[$bstyle]['block_bottom'];
if ($this->editable){
if ($scope == 'thispage')
echo "<center><input type=\"button\" class=\"cmsedit\" value=\"New Block\" onclick=\"newblock(this, {$this->id}, '$location');\"></center>";
echo "<center><input type=\"button\" class=\"cmsedit\" value=\"New Block\" onclick=\"newblock(this, 0, '$location');\"></center>";
private function make_subblock($blockid, $bstyle) {
global $style;
$subquery = "SELECT * FROM subblocks WHERE blockid='$blockid' ORDER BY ordernum DESC";
$subresult = mysql_query($subquery);
while ($subblock = mysql_fetch_assoc($subresult)){
$subid = $subblock['subid'];
$type = $subblock['type'];
$ordernum = $subblock['ordernum'];
$subcontent = $subblock['content'];
if ($this->editable){ ?>
<select class="cmsselect" onchange="pickoption(this, <?php echo $subid; ?>, <?php echo $type; ?>);">
<option value="">SUB Options</option>
<optgroup label="Edit">
<option value="edittitle">Title</option>
<option value="edittext">Text</option>
<optgroup label="Delete">
<option value="delsub">This Subblock</option>
<?php if ($type == 0){ ?>
<optgroup label="Insert">
<option value="insertGallery">A Gallery</option>
<?php } ?>
</select><input type="button" class="cmsedit" value="Swap" onclick="reorder('subblocks', <?php echo $subid; ?>, <?php echo $ordernum; ?>, this);">
<br clear="all">
<?php }
echo str_replace('{title}', $subblock['title'], $style[$bstyle]['subblock_top']), $subcontent,
public function make_gallery($type, $subid){
if ($this->editable){ ?>
<select class="cmsselect" onchange="gallerySelect(this, <?php echo $subid; ?>, <?php echo $type; ?>);">
<option value="">Gallery Options</option>
<optgroup label="Edit">
<option value="editgallery">Gallery</option>
<optgroup label="Gallery Type">
<option value="gallery1">Cluster</option>
<option value="gallery2">List</option>
<option value="gallery3">Slideshow</option>
<option value="gallery4">Rotating</option>
<optgroup label="Delete">
<option value="delgallery">This Gallery</option>
<?php }
switch ($type){
case 1: // images in matrix fashion
$query = "select * from gallery where subid=$subid ORDER BY ordernum";
$result = mysql_query($query);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
$ordernum = $row['ordernum'];
$filename = $row['filename'];
$title = $row['title'];
echo "<img src=\"imagevault/$filename\" class=\"gallery_img\" title=\"$title\" onclick=\"showimg($subid, $ordernum);\">";
case 2: // one image per row
$query = "select * from gallery where subid=$subid ORDER BY ordernum";
$result = mysql_query($query);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
$ordernum = $row['ordernum'];
$filename = $row['filename'];
$title = $row['title'];
$desc = $row['desc'];
echo "<div class=\"gallery_img_box\"><img src=\"imagevault/$filename\" class=\"gallery_img\" align=\"left\" onclick=\"showimg($subid, $ordernum);\">"
. "<div class=\"img_title\">$title</div>$desc<br clear=\"all\"></div>";
case 3: // images in viewer
$query = "select * from gallery where subid=$subid ORDER BY ordernum";
$result = mysql_query($query);
<div class="gallery_viewer">
<div class="viewer_bar">
<span id="status<?php echo $subid; ?>"></span>
<input type="button" value="Back" onclick="img(<?php echo $subid; ?>, 0);" class="button">
<input type="button" value="Next" onclick="img(<?php echo $subid; ?>, 1);" class="button">
<div class="img_title" id="title<?php echo $subid; ?>"></div>
<img src="" id="gallery<?php echo $subid; ?>" class="gallery_img">
<div id="desc<?php echo $subid; ?>"></div>
$string = "counter[$subid] = -1; gallery[$subid] = [";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
$filename = $row['filename'];
$title = $row['title'];
$desc = $row['desc'];
$string .= "['$filename','$title','$desc'],";
echo (substr($string, 0, -1) . '];');
img(<?php echo $subid; ?>, 1);
case 4: // rotating gallery
global $gallery_timer;
$query = "select * from gallery where subid=$subid ORDER BY ordernum";
$result = mysql_query($query);
<img src="" id="gallery<?php echo $subid; ?>" class="gallery_img">
$string = "counter[$subid] = -1; gallery[$subid] = [";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
$filename = $row['filename'];
$title = $row['title'];
$desc = $row['desc'];
$string .= "['$filename','$title','$desc'],";
echo (substr($string, 0, -1) . '];');
img(<?php echo $subid; ?>, 1, <?php echo $gallery_timer; ?>, true);
Thanks for any insight!