I am unable to open the page in a new window when i click on the image button
CAn u tell me how to make the current page open in new window
<asp:ImageButton runat="server" ID="ImgPreviewBtn" Height="18px" Width="18px" OnCommand="onSelectAttachment" CommandName="Preview"
CommandArgument='<%#Eval("QUOTATION_CODE") +","+ Eval("SUPPLIER") %>' ImageUrl="~/images/preview.gif" CausesValidation="false"></asp:ImageButton>
if (e.CommandName == "Preview")
string value = e.CommandArgument.ToString();
string[] arInfo = new string[4];
char[] splitter = { ',' };
arInfo = value.Split(splitter);
Session["RFQCODE"] = lblReqNo.Text;
Session["QTCODE"] = arInfo[0].ToString();
Session["SUPLCODE"] = arInfo[1].ToString();
// Session["VESSELCODE"] = lblVessel.tex;
ResponseHelper.Redirect("POPreview.aspx?RFQCODE='" + lblReqNo.Text + "'", "_Blank", "");