echo "<table>"<table cellpadding='4' cellspacing='3' border='1'>;
$query = mysql_query("SELECT orderID, entrytime, advertiser, contactname, contactemail, billingadress, billingcity, billingstate, billingzip, accountexecutive, aeemail, aextphone, accountnumber, contactphone, contactfax, nrirep, nriemail, clientwebsite, clickthroughurl, adelements, campaignreports, additionalinfo, assignedto, workpath, status, submittedby, rev, lastupdate, approved FROM Mickeymouse");
while(list($orderID, $entrytime, $advertiser, $contactname, $contactemail, $billingadress, $billingcity, $billingstate, $billingzip, $accountexecutive, $aeemail, $aextphone, accountnumber, contactphone, contactfax, nrirep, nriemail, clientwebsite, clickthroughurl, $adelements, $campaignreports, $additionalinfo, $assignedto, $workpath, $status, $submittedby, $rev, $lastupdate, $approved )) = mysql_fetch_row($query)){
echo "
echo "</table>";
What I want to do is pull info from the "mickeymouse" database and input it into an easy read table? Can anybody help me fix?