I want to send mail to my clients like their password and some other information also
what should i do for that.
how outlook express is helpful for that.
when i am using password recovery wizard than the error coming

"The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated. The server response was: 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first. i6sm1072465iba.8"

i m working visual stdio 2008, asp.net 3.5 framework


Would you like to extract user information from databases and then send that user information over the email ?

If you are sending an email through SSL SMTP like gmail, then you must need to set smtpClient.EnableSsl = true.

Another thing PasswordRecovery wizard automatically send an email So you need to stop it by setting e.Cancel = true by handling SendingMail() event of PasswordRecovery wizard and in the event do your custom coding of sending an email..

protected void PasswordRecovery1_SendingMail(object sender, MailMessageEventArgs e)
   e.Cancel = true;
   SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient();
   client.EnableSsl = true;
   //now define mailmessage object and set properties as per your requirement..             

try by this and let us know...

I want to send mail to my clients like their password and some other information also
what should i do for that.
how outlook express is helpful for that.
when i am using password recovery wizard than the error coming

"The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated. The server response was: 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first. i6sm1072465iba.8"

i m working visual stdio 2008, asp.net 3.5 framework


Thanks Rohand
this is not working for me . is there is any need to install SMTP service of IIS at control panel ? i am unalble to install this.

are you getting any error ? if so then what the error is ? can you please put your code to send an email...?

Thanks Rohand
this is not working for me . is there is any need to install SMTP service of IIS at control panel ? i am unalble to install this.

Hii Rohand
Now i installed QSMTP server on my computer.and password recovery wizard is giving the message "your password has beeb sent to your mail "
but there is no mail sent.

I am unable to send a mail via ASP.NET. It is not givng any errors, but i am unable to see the mail in my inbox.

below is the code.

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        MailMessage message = new MailMessage();
        SmtpClient smtpClient = new SmtpClient();
        //SmtpClient.Host = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SMTPHost"];
        smtpClient.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.PickupDirectoryFromIis;

            MailAddress fromAddress = new MailAddress("mukundkallapur@gmail.com");
            smtpClient.Port = 25;
            message.From = fromAddress;


            message.IsBodyHtml = false;
            message.Subject = "test";
            message.Body = "test";

            Label3.Text = "Email Sent";

        catch(Exception ex)

            Label3.Text = "Sending Failed" + ex.Message;



Just make sure your email not stored in Spam folder... check it and let us know..

Hii Rohand
Now i installed QSMTP server on my computer.and password recovery wizard is giving the message "your password has beeb sent to your mail "
but there is no mail sent.

No rahand
i checked spams.. mail is not there.actualyy i need some relay setting.
please tell me about this setting.

i cheked .... mail are not in spams.
i think it required some relay setting ...please tell me about relay setting

ed spams.. mail is not there.actualyy i need some relay setting.
please tell me about this setting.

this is happening to me too....
I get this error:
The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client's identity is not verified. Must issue a STARTTLS command first.
here is the aspx.cs code:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Net.Mail;

public partial class Contact : System.Web.UI.Page
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        MailMessage MailMessage = new MailMessage();
        SmtpClient SmtpClient = new SmtpClient("smtp.gmail.com");
            MailAddress fromAddres = new MailAddress("someUser@example.com");
            SmtpClient.Port = 25;
            MailMessage.From = fromAddres;
            MailMessage.IsBodyHtml = false;
            MailMessage.Subject = "Naslov poruke test";
            MailMessage.Body = "Hello, evo ga neki test a ovo je drugi red poruke";
            Response.Write("E-mail je poslan!");
        catch (Exception ex)
            Response.Write("<p style=\"background: white;\">Poruka nije poslata!" + ex.Message + "</p>");

The SMTP server requires a secure connection

GMail's SMTP port is not 25 IIRC, and the password is missing.

Next time, please start a new discussion, instead of resurrecting an old thread.

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