I'm completely new to web programming. I am using an asp.net Table:

and my code behind page (using vb.net)grabs data from a database and displays it in this table.

How do I put in a search that will only display the data with the name that is searched? Do I need to work in the code behind page or the asp page? I'm new to the syntax.

Okay Asp.net is perfect for this exact thing. You will probibly want to use a Gridview and a SQLDataSource to preform this. What I do for my sqldatasource when I need to add basic search functionality is manually edit the select command and add a select parameter:


<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" 
            ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:MasterSQLConnectionString %>"           
            SelectCommand="SELECT [ThirdPartyName],[ThirdPartyID], [Phone1], [Active] FROM [ThirdParty] WHERE ([ThirdPartyName] Like '%' + @SEARCH +'%') ORDER BY [ThirdPartyName], Active">
                <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="txtSearch"  DefaultValue="%" 
                    Name="SEARCH" PropertyName="text" />

Then i will tie code to the btnSearch.click that just does a Gridview.Databind(). This will run the Select command again using the search query provided rather than the default value ('%').

So what you need to do:

1. Create SQLDatasource
2. Edit Select Command to include :: WHERE FIELD_NAME LIKE '%' + @SEARCH + '%'
3. Create Gridview/Detailsview/Repeater (gridview offers easy paging and sorting) and tie them to your afformentioned SQLDatasource
4. Create txtSearch (textbox) and btnSearch (button)
5. In your codebhind for btnSearch_click() add Gridview1.DataBind() (orwhatever gridview name is)

This should get your basic functionality up and running.

Okay..As you want search functionality, I assume you have a textbox and button and by entering some name in textbox and clicking on button you want to show data for the searched name. right ?

In this case also You can still use <asp:Table> if you want..you just need to modify your existing query which is currently pulling data form database by appending Where condition with some fields/columns on which you want to search entered name..

Again sorting is quite difficult with <asp:Table>. you need to do a some extra coding to achieve sorting within <asp:Table>..

So i suggest go with <asp:GridView>..

Let us know if you encounter any issues.

I'm completely new to web programming. I am using an asp.net Table:

and my code behind page (using vb.net)grabs data from a database and displays it in this table.

How do I put in a search that will only display the data with the name that is searched? Do I need to work in the code behind page or the asp page? I'm new to the syntax.

o_O I am by no means an 'expert asp.net' programmer. I have learned what I do know on my own and have done very well with that thus far. In my continual reading and researching last night I discovered that my life (and in this case maybe yours) could become much easier and with the use of LINQ to SQL. I suggest checking it out :) there are plenty of tutorials on Google for you to start with.

i would suggest you to read some ebook on asp.net 4.

I'm sorry but why take the time to post such a comment? 'I suggest you read a book'...really? Give a title, an author...something... a link? Without any further information Cynix that post is just taking up space. IMHO.



4.0 to 3.5 is not going to make or break your ability to program. Just find a good resource that fits with your learning style and run with it.

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