Hi all,
now i'm working to convert html to pdf in asp.net..
i don't have any idea to make it..
now i have this code to convert it but have a problem..
anybody please help me see thid code or send me link as a guide..
i'm using iTextSharp to convert it
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//create document
Document document = new Document();
//writer - have our own path!!! and see you have write permissions...
PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, new FileStream(Server.MapPath("/") + "WordDoc/" + "parsetest.pdf", FileMode.Create));
//html -text - can be from database or editor too
String htmlText = "<font " +
" color=\"#0000FF\"><b><i>Title One</i></b></font><font " +
" color=\"black\"><br><br>Some text here<br><br><br><font " +
" color=\"#0000FF\"><b><i>Another title here " +
" </i></b></font><font " +
" color=\"black\"><br><br>Text1<br>Text2<br><OL><LI>hi</LI><LI>how are u</LI></OL>";
//make an arraylist ....with STRINGREADER since its no IO reading file...
[U]ArrayList htmlarraylist = iTextSharp.text.html.simpleparser.HTMLWorker.ParseToList(new StringReader(htmlText), null);[/U]
//add the collection to the document
for (int k = 0; k < htmlarraylist.Count; k++)
document.Add(new Paragraph("And the same with indentation...."));
// or add the collection to an paragraph
// if you add it to an existing non emtpy paragraph it will insert it from
//the point youwrite -
Paragraph mypara = new Paragraph();//make an emtphy paragraph as "holder"
mypara.IndentationLeft = 36;
[U]mypara.InsertRange(0, htmlarraylist);[/U]
catch (Exception exx)
i have a problem with underline coding..
Thanks in advance