Can anyone tell me how to convert an int to a string value that I define?

Hi, you do something like this example


' CInt Converts to Integer
' CStr Converts to String
' TypeName Returns subtype variable for your control

a = Cint(1)
b = Cstr(1)

Response.Write(TypeName(a)) & "<br>"


strQuery = "select user_id from user_master where manager_id in (" & user_idchk & ")"
                ObjdaAct = New SqlDataAdapter(strQuery, ObjconAct)
                useridslist = New DataTable
                user_idchk = ""
                If useridslist.Rows.Count > 0 Then

                    For intcounter = 0 To useridslist.Rows.Count - 1
                        user_idchk = user_idchk & useridslist.Rows(intcounter).Item(0) & ", "
                    user_idchk = Left(user_idchk, Len(user_idchk) - 2)
                    teammembersids = teammembersids & user_idchk & ", "
                    'user_idchk = "0"
                    user_idchk = ""
                End If
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