Hello, I have the code below and I'm having a problem checking the returned values from the query i send,i really would like to know how to check each and every row the query return if it contains null values.And if it does contain the null values to update another row of that same record
Thank you
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM 'table' ");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query))
$data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM sim");
Print "<table width='0' border='0'>";
Print "<th align='left'>Número de Serie</th>";
Print "<th align='left'>Número de Telemóvel</th>";
Print "<th align='left'>Estado</th>";
Print "<th align='left'>Operadora</th>";
Print "<th align='left'>Registo</th>";
Print"<tr class='even'>";
Print"<td>".$row['serie'] . "</td> ";
Print"<td>".$row['number'] . "</td> ";
Print"<td>".$row['status'] . "</td> ";
Print "</table>";