Hey ppl. I use apach and i've got a problem that i cant fix
when i write this code ..

 width="100px" height="100px" name="imgPreview" />

no image is shown. Whats wrong? The image surely exists in the specified path.

And one more problem with this is that for some images the same code works.

hmm... try checking the file extension (if it's .gif or .png or .jpeg)

also try using a more relative path to the image. for ex. your code is in the www folder, then <img src="./ImageGallery/Images/mmbg3xmx3g.gif" />

Hint: Path may be incorrect!
supposing that you have your www directory at src="Z:/home/localhost/www/ and images in subdir ImageGallery/

Using relative paths is easier than absolute paths

thank you guys. The path was really incorrect)

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