hi there..

well lets say I do have a multidimensional array of the sort shown below..
Now I do need to pass on the arrays using checkboxes..!! how do I assign single row to each checkbox so that when I onclick it posts the value to the function on the top...


$arraylen=4; // zero based 
        if (isset($_POST['table'])) { 
               foreach ($_POST['table'] as $arr) { 
                    if (! isset($arr[$i])) { 
                         $allValuesPresent = 0; 
 // Will get overwritten by query if any are missing 

    // return array of results

// do your query 

echo $qresult[0][1];



<form method="POST" name="myform2" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">
<?php    $table = array(
                        //  array('id','state','lat_hi','long_hi','lat_low','long_low'),  //field names
                            array(2,'AP',     19.87,84.78,12.59,76.45),
                            array(4,'kerala' ,12.75,77.37,08.18,74.86),
                            array(5,'punjab' ,32.46,76.93,29.53,73.87),
$_POST['table']= $table;    ?>


"when I onclick it posts the value to the function on the top..."
what does it exactly means?

You want to use $table array right?
Post your exact html output requirement.

well I do have a multidimensional array and now i do want to assign a single row to a single checkbox && when the checkbox is on I want to post the values to the below function..

Sory if I am not clear enough again.....

function GetStoreTable() {

$arraylen=4; // zero based 

     if (isset($_POST['table'])) { 
               foreach ($_POST['table'] as $arr) { 
                    if (! isset($arr[$i])) { 
                         $allValuesPresent = 0; 


   return $qresult;



if(isset($_REQUEST['submit']))//---- form is submitted -----
	$tab = $_REQUEST['tab'];
		//--- here you are having all values checked by user. you can explode it by :: for further use. you can call your required function here.
		echo '<br>'.$tab[$i]." is checked.";

<form method="POST" name="myform2" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">
<?php    $table = array(
                        //  array('id','state','lat_hi','long_hi','lat_low','long_low'),  //field names
                            array(2,'AP',     19.87,84.78,12.59,76.45),
                            array(4,'kerala' ,12.75,77.37,08.18,74.86),
                            array(5,'punjab' ,32.46,76.93,29.53,73.87),                

<? for($i=0;$i<count($table);$i++){?>
<br><input name="tab[]" type="checkbox" value="<?=$table[$i][0]?>::<?=$table[$i][1]?>::<?=$table[$i][2]?>::<?=$table[$i][3]?>::<?=$table[$i][4]?>::<?=$table[$i][5]?>">
Id : <?=$table[$i][0]?>, Name : <?=$table[$i][1]?>
<? } ?>
<br><br><input name="submit" value="submit" type="submit">

This is just demo kinda thing.
you should not use function in this manner, where you want to use directly post values in function.
also not sure this is wat u want.

Hey thanks a lot... that was helpful... I will try adding the function and checkout how this thing works out:-)

Hi now I do get this error when i try to use 'explode' -->

if(isset($_REQUEST['submit']))//---- form is submitted -----

      $tab = $_REQUEST['tab'];


      //--- here you are having all values checked by user. you can explode it by :: for further use. you can call your required function here.
      $extent = explode("::",$tab);
      echo '<br>'.$tab[$i]." is checked.";



Error:- array(1) { [0]=> string(37) "5::punjab::32.46::76.93::29.53::73.87" } Warning: explode() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given in C:\ms4w\Apache\htdocs\test24.php on line 16 NULL

actually I aint getting any error If i use [TEX]$extent = explode("::",$tab[$i]);[/TEX] but I miss the multidimensional array format now; as single rows surfaced up....

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