hello i am a novice user
i could not pass the value(text) into database from listbox
i tried using get method but it is not working
can anybody help me????????
here is my code

<form method="get" name="queries" action="queryverify.php">
<h3 align="center"><font face="Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif" color="#6C6">Queries</font></h3>
<div id="margin_left"><table id="table"  border="1"cellpadding="10">
Name: <span id="spanning"><input type="text" name="name" size="30"></span><br/>
Gender:<span id="spanning_gender"><select id="gender" size="1"><option value="r">male</option><option value="m">female</option></select></span><br/>
Marital Status:<span id="spanning_marstatus"><select size="1" id="marstatus"><option value="f">Married</option><option value="g">Unmarried</option><option value="h">Unknown</option></select></span><br/>
City: <span id="spanning_city"><input type="text" name="city" size="30"></span><br/>
Country:<span id="spanning_country"><input type="text" name="country" size="30"></span><br/>
Religion:<span id="spanning_religion"><input type="text" name="religion" size="30"></span><br/>
Crime:<span id="spanning_crime"><select id="crime" size="1"><option value="a">Murder</option></select></span><br/>
Crime Type:<span id="spanning_crimetype"><select id="crimetype"  size="1"><option value="b">Half Murder</option></select></span>
<div id="insert"><input type="submit" name="Insert" value="Insert"></div>
<?php include('footer.php');?>
<br />

                   $name = $_GET['name'];
                 $query="insert into criminal values('NULL','".$name."','".$religion."','".$marstatus."','".$city."','".$country."','".$crime."','".$crimetype."')";
                   mysql_query($query) or die ('Error Cannnot Insert Records!'); 

try adding a name to each select


<select id="gender" name = "gender" size="1"><option value = "M">M</option>

     $_GET['gender']//this will now have the "option value" of M
     //also note: if it's a list box and not a dropdown, you can select multiple options by adding an attribute name = "example[]"


the problem may be because you're calling the $_[GET] with the id.

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