
this report is taking too long to run, there is alot of data in the tables.

does anyone know a quicker way to optimize this:


// This report outputs everything to excel format 
/** Error reporting */


/** PHPExcel */
require_once '../includes/PHPExcel.php';
include ("../../config.php");
$repInfo = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM unallData WHERE status = 'UNALLOCATED'");
// Create new PHPExcel object
$objPHPExcel = new PHPExcel();

            ->setCellValue("A1", 'Date')
            ->setCellValue("B1", 'Notes')
            ->setCellValue("C1", 'Amount')
			->setCellValue("D1", 'Company');

// Do the sql query and output
$i =2;
while ($info = mysql_fetch_array($repInfo, MYSQL_ASSOC)){
$amount = $info['amount'];
$compSearch = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM companyMapping where number = '{$info['companyNo']}'");
$company = mysql_fetch_array($compSearch, MYSQL_ASSOC);

            ->setCellValue("A$i", "{$info['date']}")
            ->setCellValue("B$i", "{$info['notes']}")
            ->setCellValue("C$i", substr("$amount",1))
			->setCellValue("D$i", "{$company['name']}");
$i = $i + 1;

// Create new sheet and output

$repInfo = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM unallData WHERE status = 'UNALLOCATED' and type = 'CHEQUES'");

            ->setCellValue("A1", 'Date')
            ->setCellValue("B1", 'Notes')
            ->setCellValue("C1", 'Amount')
			->setCellValue("D1", 'Company');

$i =2;

while ($info = mysql_fetch_array($repInfo, MYSQL_ASSOC)){

$amount = $info['amount'];
$compSearch = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM companyMapping where number = '{$info['companyNo']}'");
$company = mysql_fetch_array($compSearch, MYSQL_ASSOC);

            ->setCellValue("A$i", "{$info['date']}")
            ->setCellValue("B$i", "{$info['notes']}")
            ->setCellValue("C$i", substr("$amount",1))
			->setCellValue("D$i", "{$company['name']}");
$i = $i + 1;

// Create new sheet and output

$repInfo = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM unallData WHERE status = 'UNALLOCATED' and type = 'BACS'");

            ->setCellValue("A1", 'Date')
            ->setCellValue("B1", 'Notes')
            ->setCellValue("C1", 'Amount')
			->setCellValue("D1", 'Company');

$i =2;

while ($info = mysql_fetch_array($repInfo, MYSQL_ASSOC)){
$compSearch = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM companyMapping where number = '{$info['companyNo']}'");
$company = mysql_fetch_array($compSearch, MYSQL_ASSOC);
$amount = $info['amount'];

            ->setCellValue("A$i", "{$info['date']}")
            ->setCellValue("B$i", "{$info['notes']}")
            ->setCellValue("C$i", substr("$amount",1))
			->setCellValue("D$i", "{$company['name']}");
$i = $i + 1;

// Create new sheet and output

$repInfo = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM unallData WHERE status = 'UNALLOCATED' and type = 'PO'");

            ->setCellValue("A1", 'Date')
            ->setCellValue("B1", 'Notes')
            ->setCellValue("C1", 'Amount')
			->setCellValue("D1", 'Company');

$i =2;
while ($info = mysql_fetch_array($repInfo, MYSQL_ASSOC)){
$compSearch = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM companyMapping where number = '{$info['companyNo']}'");
$company = mysql_fetch_array($compSearch, MYSQL_ASSOC);
$amount = $info['amount'];

            ->setCellValue("A$i", "{$info['date']}")
            ->setCellValue("B$i", "{$info['notes']}")
            ->setCellValue("C$i", substr("$amount",1))
			->setCellValue("D$i", "{$company['name']}");
$i = $i + 1;

// Create new sheet and output

$repInfo = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM unallData WHERE status = 'UNALLOCATED' and type = 'CASH'");

            ->setCellValue("A1", 'Date')
            ->setCellValue("B1", 'Notes')
            ->setCellValue("C1", 'Amount')
			->setCellValue("D1", 'Company');

$i =2;
while ($info = mysql_fetch_array($repInfo, MYSQL_ASSOC)){
$compSearch = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM companyMapping where number = '{$info['companyNo']}'");
$company = mysql_fetch_array($compSearch, MYSQL_ASSOC);
$amount = $info['amount'];
            ->setCellValue("A$i", "{$info['date']}")
            ->setCellValue("B$i", "{$info['notes']}")
            ->setCellValue("C$i", substr("$amount",1))
			->setCellValue("D$i", "{$company['name']}");
$i = $i + 1;

// Create new sheet and output

$repInfo = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM unallData WHERE status = 'UNALLOCATED' and type = 'ALLPAY'");

            ->setCellValue("A1", 'Date')
            ->setCellValue("B1", 'Notes')
            ->setCellValue("C1", 'Amount')
			->setCellValue("D1", 'Company');

$i =2;
while ($info = mysql_fetch_array($repInfo, MYSQL_ASSOC)){
$compSearch = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM companyMapping where number = '{$info['companyNo']}'");
$company = mysql_fetch_array($compSearch, MYSQL_ASSOC);
$amount = $info['amount'];
            ->setCellValue("A$i", "{$info['date']}")
            ->setCellValue("B$i", "{$info['notes']}")
            ->setCellValue("C$i", substr("$amount",1))
			->setCellValue("D$i", "{$company['name']}");
$i = $i + 1;

// Create new sheet and output

$repInfo = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM unallData WHERE status = 'UNALLOCATED' and type = 'CARD'");

            ->setCellValue("A1", 'Date')
            ->setCellValue("B1", 'Notes')
            ->setCellValue("C1", 'Amount')
			->setCellValue("D1", 'Company');

$i =2;
while ($info = mysql_fetch_array($repInfo, MYSQL_ASSOC)){
$compSearch = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM companyMapping where number = '{$info['companyNo']}'");
$company = mysql_fetch_array($compSearch, MYSQL_ASSOC);
$amount = $info['amount'];
            ->setCellValue("A$i", "{$info['date']}")
            ->setCellValue("B$i", "{$info['notes']}")
            ->setCellValue("C$i", substr("$amount",1))
			->setCellValue("D$i", "{$company['name']}");
$i = $i + 1;

// Create new sheet and output

$repInfo = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM unallData WHERE status = 'ALLOCATED' order by type");

            ->setCellValue("A1", 'Date')
            ->setCellValue("B1", 'Notes')
            ->setCellValue("C1", 'Amount')
			->setCellValue("D1", 'Collector')
			->setCellValue("E1", 'Allocated to')
			->setCellValue("F1", 'Type')
			->setCellValue("G1", 'Date allocation was requested');

$i =2;
while ($info = mysql_fetch_array($repInfo, MYSQL_ASSOC)){
$repInfo2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM susdata WHERE unallDataID = '{$info['id']}'");
$info2 = mysql_fetch_array($repInfo2, MYSQL_ASSOC);

$amount = $info['amount'];
            ->setCellValue("A$i", "{$info['date']}")
            ->setCellValue("B$i", "{$info['notes']}")
            ->setCellValue("C$i", substr("$amount",1))
			->setCellValue("D$i", "{$info2['yourname']}")
			->setCellValue("E$i", "{$info2['allocate_to']}")
			->setCellValue("F$i", "{$info2['type']}")
			->setCellValue("G$i", "{$info2['date_submitted']}");
$i = $i + 1;

// Redirect output to a client's web browser (Excel2007)
header('Content-Type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="Suspense_Master.xlsx"');
header('Cache-Control: max-age=0');

$objWriter = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPExcel, 'Excel2007');


can anyone help

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